Today's Gratitude: March 28, 2018

in #faith7 years ago

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March 28, 2018

Today, I’m grateful for:

  1. The greater plan. We may not know each of the twists and turns that take place in our daily lives. We may question the troubles we face, and appreciate the good times, but overall, these are all just part of the journey. God is guiding us along a path that will lead us to exactly where I am meant to be, where you are meant to be, and where were we are meant to be. And to have that reassurance makes any difficulty easier to overcome, for it is just a stepping stone for where we are meant to go.

  2. Another day of life!

  3. God's wisdom to know what is best for us.

We can never count our blessings enough, so I will look to make my gratitude different each time, as I continue to be given so much every day.

But every day, #2 will be my expression of gratitude for the chance to live another day, as it truly is a gift, not a guarantee. And #3 will always be dedicated to Him, for being our eternal guidance and our loving Father.

What are you grateful for?


Ultimately we decide for ourselves how the great plan ends. God's plan is for us to live with Him in heaven. That's the plan. That's why He gave us the B.asic I.nstructions B.efore L.eaving E.arth (spelled B.I.B.L.E) to show us the plan and the way towards it. BUT, God gives us the free will to accept or not. It is still our decision.

So today I am grateful for the Holy Spirit who helps me in making this decision. Without the Spirit in me I will not even know what the plan is at all.

I love the Acronym B.I.B.L.E., I never heard that before!

Me too. But it's not mine. Just picked it up from an email I got from a friend. Nice to hear from you again. Still cold over there? I think spring must be upon you by now.

Not to bad, it should be mid to high 40's (F) today. We have plants popping up through the remaining snow.

Must be really a sight to behold. God's promise of life. See you around.

Honestly, it’s crazy to say it for how much I love life, but I can’t wait for Heaven, and to be with God. That will be the greatest. The ultimate adventure and our Father awaits. I’m so stoked

I have the same outlook on life. Since I decided that the challenges that pop up in my life are meant to serve a purpose, life has gotten easier and I'm happier.

um also greatfull with my life

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