The just suffer at the hands of the ungodly

in #faith7 years ago (edited)

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One of the hardest parts is that while I'm being persecuted made out to be someone and something I'm not, I'm over here in love with God and everything - doing the most amazing things too. (world history stuff)

What's so wrong with following after Jesus anyway? Is it so wrong doing what's truly needed for this world, is it not right to do what Father God has asks? Surely you see the world needs help! If God called on you and said stop what you're doing and follow me, could you? Would you be willing to drop everything and start walking?


This is going to be a topic of interest one day, may as well be as honest as I can be;

For those unaware, I never abandoned anyone. Me ex wife chose to remove herself from my life, she took my child vowed to do everything in her power to keep me from being part of his life. (she's gotten exactly what she wanted) divorce, the hope to keep us apart - no being upset with God for answering your prayers.

The thing is I won't allow slander & the defamation of my character, (not when I'm not doing anything wrong) Not when she's breaking the law pointing fingers like I'm the one doing terrible things. The world should at least have a little explanation why this upside down circumstance has gone on for 15 years.

I'm with God.

It should be clear by now but The State of Texas has failed to recognize is that one person's unrighteousness has caused so much turmoil, injustice, and made a mockery of what our civil systems are actually meant for. (have I mentioned I'm with God) I wonder if they knew who I AM if they'd still treat me so unfairly.

Now I've been forgiving & patient through this whole process. God said that He needed me to go through this for a good reason. (We're changing the world) And The United States of America needs correction. Its making criminals out of those who have no means. (never-mind their circumstance) Its misplaced it values and lost sight of The Lord.

What's troubling my ex so much is she's doing her worst hoping no one will find out. I was (I kid you not) turned into a criminal for not having means to pay a debt because I couldn't stop working on the things God called me to do. I was indicted, arrested, summoned into court for nearly two years that ended with a felony conviction.

They said the only thing that mattered was that if they could prove I disobeyed the judges orders and wasn't paying the money. (never-mind I didn't have the means) They're exact words were I should just go get a real job . . . (Williamson Co)

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I thought in by revealing these actions that this nonsense would stop but it hasn't. It seems people these days are more concerned with money than they are with doing right by God. What happened to doing the right thing? What happened to our society where we chose to hurt God's people? Since when is it a crime to not have means to pay a debt?

If we're concerned with doing right then why haven't I been allowed to see my son ever? Why is it that I'm persecuted for a child who does not even bare my name, a child who's been used as a weapon (daily, yearly) against me, one who's been alienated purposefully and intently, a child who was forcefully turned against his dad and made to tell him he doesn't love him for all his life?

Have I mentioned I've gone without means for many years (being obedient to God) so as to produce our works and reveal our historical (world changing) walk? Meanwhile my ex has more money than most will ever see in their lifetimes and she has the nerve to pitch a sob story that she's a victim.

You have to see the irony. I'm but a servant.
God blessed me and called me to reveal His great works.
I'm in love everyday helping so many people find their way back to life . . .

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What's more important Love or Money?

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If God called said I need you to chose today what's more important, money or love, which would you chose? Hummmmmm . . . makes you think huh?

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