Why God lets bad things happen to good people.

in #faith7 years ago

Why God lets bad things happen to good people.
by funbobby51

Often times I run into people who have lost their faith (or more often never had it) when something happens that they consider bad and they blame God for it or say he cannot exist because a loving all powerful God would not allow anything bad to happen. What these people are suffering from is called hubris. They have decided that they have the ability to know what is good and bad and that they know more than an omniscient God. Obviously that cannot be, no human has all the knowledge of the universe as God does. Thus those things which we, with our very limited intelligence and perspective consider “bad” perhaps are not bad. For example we hear about a school shooting, we say “that’s bad”, but do we know if that kid would have grown up to be the next Hitler or start a nuclear war? Did that make millions of people hug their children closer? Only God knows.

The first time I heard Garth Brooks “Unanswered Prayers” I thought, “that was stupid, why would he thank God for unanswered prayers?” But then I thought about it more and of course Troyal is right, sometimes we need to thank God for our unanswered prayers because sometimes we pray for the wrong things because we are not omniscient and we are blessed to not receive them. It’s like the old “be careful what you wish for, you just might get it”. So consider that any time you pray for something but don’t get it right away or don’t get it that God is doing you a solid not forsaking you.

This is why you should always start your prayers by thanking God, even when something you think is bad happens. I feel like a lot of people don’t do that and prayers never work if you don’t do that. For example I was far from home and driving and my car broke down and stranded me, as I sat one the side of the road, I was pretty upset but I thanked God for that happening and of course asked for help; everything was OK. That is how you build your faith, trust in God and even though things may look bleak or terrible know that everything is going to be OK. “Fear not!” it says in the Bible 80 times.

Consider a world were nothing that us shortsighted humans considered “bad” happened, how would we know when something good happened? Without suffering there can be no joy.

God Bless you and have a blessed day, give me your opinion in the comments section.



This is a wonderful reminder. Thank you. It is easy to feel a victim sometimes. I remind myself, without a test, you've got no testimony. Thank you for sharing yours. Blessings.

"without a test, you've got no testimony."
I like that, I am going to steal that.

Feel free! It has gotten me through some tough times. Take care. Blessings

I can see why when a car breaking down is the worse example one could give that writing that story could fall into perspective for them. You've obviously have led a rather sheltered life.

I am sure I have had worse things happen to me but that was one that came to mind and that I felt comfortable sharing and I thought most people could relate to. I have certainly been blessed in many ways though.

"as it is written: “None is righteous, no, not one" -Romans 3:10

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