Fairy Dust by Paris Hilton perfume.

in #fairy-dust3 years ago

So today i am reviewing fairy dust by paris hilton um so i this is the third uh review i have done by of her fragrances it's very artistic


i really like this box it's really cute so it's obviously paris hilton has a fairy and it goes round i really like the detail in the color

i think it's the i think it's just the electric colour of the blue that i love and then it goes onto the back as well with all the stars and light

i really like it it's one of them ones where um it's got detail in like 3d detail to it as well because some of the styles are 3d i don't know

if you can really see that um and then i also really love the color it's so shiny so shiny i really like this one and it's on the back as well

so it's also a um sleeve as well so the bottle it's pretty plain the bottle compared to the box um it's a really thin shape which

i really like about this and then goes out like that and then the top of it it's like that the mod it the top is very modern and then

it's got the bright blue like the box there and then it's got like this so this is like the frosted glass effect for the fairy on it which is cute

and then like a sparkle for the wand and i think it's cute and it's just got paris hilton going around at the top this is actually 30ml and to be honest

it's quite a big bottle for a 30ml um i got this from bodycare it's a drugstore in the uk um it was only eight pounds so you can find this for a really good price online and order right now.


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