Why smart people fail

in #failure7 years ago (edited)

Are you considering yourself a smart person? Are you often sad? Don't ignore the reasons why you're failing while idiots succeed.


Smart people think too much.

While idiots take action, smart people analyze. Let's take a basic example. A smart person who want to cross an abandoned forest. First of all that person is analysing the forest, the way, trying to cross the forest without any problem. What about the idiot person? He is going forwards without thinking there might be problems.

Smart people have too high expectations from life.

Being a smart person allow you to wish the best for you. A beautiful & a smart partener, a good job, a big house, but what's happening if you won't fulfill your wishes? On the other hand, let's take the life of a street man as an example. All he needs is food and a place to sleep and I guarantee you, he will be so happy.

Smart people get bored quickly.

Smart people have a lot of ideas. They can't wait for an idea to be successful. They have no patience while an idiot person with only one idea has enough patience to reach the success. We can take as an example a restaurant. A smart owner is changing the menu more than twice in only one year, while an idiot owner goes with the same menu for years, creating a brand.

Smart people fight the system.

Well, we all know the system is bad. But fighting the system is a wrong idea. You're throwing away a lot of energy, time and obviously money. Who are you to fight the system? Which is your age? Which is the system age? You don't have to fight the system, you have to understand how it works, you have to be successful inside the system.

I think smart is sexy. I like smart people. People that are comfortable with themselves I think is very sexy. My cat is really sexy.
Gina Gershon

I am trying to be consistent. Patience is the key.

photo taken from pixabay.com



So better to be idiot finally eheh

thats what ive learned from this post.

That wasn't my intention :D But I am happy you read my post! Thanks

I love your post, thanks for sharing! I gave you a vote. I hope you enjoy it.

yes, I enjoy your 1% upvote, thank you so much

Thought provoking...

Thinking or expecting too much, a lack of focus and fighting the system does not beget intelligence. Listening and adjusting to focus on moving through the loopholes of the rules set up for those who see the,begets intelligence, useful intelligence is.

Way too many school smart as they only need a good memory... but do not comprehend real life. These people think they deserve more as they got A's, in the program as opposed to seeing problems in the way and fixing them, be it personal or large scale.

"Way too many school smart as they only need a good memory... but do not comprehend real life." I totally agree with that, we have to be practices in life... Thanks for your opinion and comment!

Life of idiots is easier because they don't understand what is happening around them lol so they have stronger nerves. Sometimes it's good to pretend an idiot lol

yes... good point

Because Fools think they are smart.

you are right smart people think too much and other aspect they get stress also

I am glad you agree! thanks

Definition of "Smart" as an adjective:
"(of a person) clean, tidy, and well dressed."

That's it really.

Check the informal :p


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lol, I have checked your tool. It's cool and useful! I am trying my best man!

I love it...much is expected from hum much is given to..upped

thanks man, I appreciate!

Great post! I would say that being too smart is similar to being stressed out... Most people can't fall asleep, cause they can't stop thinking about unnecessary things and for people who aren't that smart it's easier to just stop caring about these things :)

yes, I have the same opinion! Thanks for your support!

RATFLOL 'My cat is really sexy' puurrrfect!!!
Ok i have a measured IQ over 135 .... i have a masters degree and 30 extra college study credits.. i am a type A personality type. wiiiz this said, i do have patience with things i need to learn & i am happy :D
sooo if i get throw the forest with my feet dry, isn't that better THEN having scrapes, scare and god knows what, as the 'not as smart' person would???? Im not dissing, im just curious :)
LOVE the text and how you broke it down :D great job hun :D💖

Which is your religion? I am just curious

ha ha anyyy thing you CAN prove ;) so science 💖 i am a atheist :) do note, i have full respect for people and there religion :)
Soo if thats your question, then i, AS the analyst must contra wizz>>> why, have that anything to do with smart peeps failing? ;)

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