Conspiracy timeline: The big picture

in #facts7 years ago

Today this steemit post caught my attention:

So you want a conspiracy 'theory'

First, lets look at some facts.

Market crash, 1929
Al Capone, 1899 -1947
WWII, 1993 - 1945
Killing of JFK, 1963
Johnson becomes president in strange conditions, 1963
Vietnam War, 1955 - 1975
Pol Pot - Kmehr Rouge, 1963 - 1975
Watergate / Nixon, 1972 - 1974
Munich Olympic, 1972
John Lennon shot, 1980
Diana, 1981
Mad cow disease, 1986 . . . that also had a big impact in europe, a created crisis? What about bird flu...
Stock market crash, 1987
Hong-Kong no longer British, 1988 hmmm
Berlin Wall, 1988 hmmm
Wacko bombing, 1993
WTC bombing, 1993
Clinton / Lewinsky, 1998
9/11 WTC, 2000
Film maker Theo Van Gogh stabbed to death, 2004 (Exellent last name to make worldwide headlines)
Iraq war, 2003 - 2011
Libya civil war, 2011
Egypt, 2013
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, 2014
Flight MH17 hit by 'Russian Missle, 2015
Terror in Brussels, 2016
Terror in Paris, 2016
London Bombing,
Boston Marathon,
Nightclub shooting
Texas shooting,
Christmas terror Berlin, 2016
Refugee crisis, 2015 - 2018
Clinton corruption 19?? - 20??

Seth Rich and all those other dead people with questionable cause of death.

Well do I really need to write a theory after such a list?
What about Chernobyl, 1986? Look at the list, there is a gap in the 80's But is it really a gap? Who gained by the 'accident'
What else happened in the 80's o wait the stock market... hmm

My theory is short and simple.

There is money to be made with bullshit. Just look at who made the big money after all these events.
That's a huge theory that can tie all this bullshit together and.

What else happened in this timespan in other parts of the world?
I'm sure i've missed a few bigones.

Not everyting will be connected I hope, but on a timeline like this it's pretty easy to see relationships between events and big money flows. Just like you can see relations with anti Bitcoin propaganda and ddos attacks on banks around the world trying to blame a group of people by unwritten suggestions.

I'm not trying to win that contest, or maybe I am? I just found it interesting to think about for a moment. And maybe this post may trigger someones neurons to dig a little deeper into this.

Have fun!


wesome entry. Upvoted and resteemed as part of the Steemit Newbie Resteem Initiative. world order..cough.. lol follow the money - these world banks, the bilderberg, bohemian grove, rockefeller, rothschild entities (can't even call them people - Reptilian perhaps? - but that's a whole different theory lol) something is rotting in the dark and I would not be surprised to see commonalities between all the events/time periods you've mentioned.
Great post!!

thanks @amariespeaks

the reptilian brain, predatorial life forms.
The blue blood liners (the royals) appear to have a reptilian approach to 'life'
You don't have to look like one to think like one.
So it may very well be the same theory. Just a different angle on it. And with a conspiracy this big there just are many angles. Nothing should be dismissed. Everything that people dismiss will be used aganst them.

Divide and conquer is a reptilian strategy if i'm not mistaken.

additions to the list:
Waco -k
Korean War 1950 -1953
Grenada Invasion 1983
Oklahoma City Bombing 1995

i'm very low on bandwidth so this will take some time

MONEY is the root of all evil.

yes that is one of their strategies, I think. but yes "money" is but I have to think there is something more to it than just money.. greed and power make more sense, money is their tool.. but still what is the purpose of all their greed?? you can't take any thing with you when you leave this world.. so why be so focused on having more and more ? I can't see the reasoning behind it..
thanks for the links! going to check them out

The counterpart of MONEY is HUMAN.

Without HUMAN there is no value in MONEY

value is in our minds

And the way they control us is with MONEY. Without MONEY a HUMAN has to be strong and creative to stay alive. A HUMAN without MONEY is often turned into a soldier (A soul-dier, someone who gives his soul to a ruler)
This kinda shows how MONEY grew out of RELIGION.

RELIGION was the way to control people before MONEY came to power.

hmm yes that is very true there is no value until humans create and agree upon the value - it does come down to control no matter whether they use money or religion or anything else.. very good point

Another thing of control is having a job
When you go look for a job you get screened/suppressed.
You are being forced to lie and deceive to look good and submit to your slave driver.
The best slave wins the job. Sign your rights away here please!
From then on you are going to be asked to show all the promises you made, the best 'puppet' will get the promotion and has to sign yet another contract. Get more pay be a better slave, rip-off more people for the boss man, and the tax man.
People thing the job creates a freedom but in fact the 'better' the job is the more enslaved you become.
Slave of the boss, of the tax-man, of the bank when you buy a house.
Prices go up
Taxes go up
You will need a deeper enslavement to keep up with the bullshit.

Slavery is here for all of us.
Everyone who spends money is a slave of the system
Same with crypto 'money'

It sucks, i'm just as fucked as everyone else.

I'm just 'lucky enough' to see how screwed I am by the system.

Getting in is as easy as asking a mobster for protection
Getting out is just as hard as getting rid of a mobster.

Government = maffia

Just a very soft one, that squeeses you slowly to death. slow enough to keep you alive and working as long as possible. Then, once you are old then it is cheaper to lay you off and let you spend your savings. IF YOU HAVE THOSE. Else they just let you rot away. They don't care. You are not family or anything.

lol yeah we are the "lucky" ones - and 100% the government is the mafia and the IRS are the leg breakers. It's insane.. I try to stay as separate as I can from the mainstream but the sad truth is exactly what you said - we are born into slavery whether we like it or not.. we were born into debt and indentured slavery ..literally - people think it's a joke, or a "conspiracy" but no it's facts, just look at the plain picture.
have you heard the term/concept the Strawman ? if you could break away from the paper you aka the "birth certificate of incorporation" you which is a "person" EI legal jargon: an individual, an entity or corporation - you can disclaim and reject any incurred debt or legal charge against you as a human. This is why within the legal system you will hear them distinguish between persons and Natural person, why on legal docs of debt and government files your name is always, always in ALL CAPS. That is the corporate you - not the Human person.
not sure if you've looked into this (probably I'm assuming you have based on your comments) lol


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