What is the most useless fact you know?🤔🤔🤔

in #fact2 years ago


1.If your eyes were a smartphone camera, it'll be about 576 megapixels.

2.Apple actually banned movie villains from using any of their products.

3.That is, if you're playing the role of a bad guy in any movie, you're not expected to use an iphone, ipad, airpod, macbook, etc, in the movie.

4.Ice creams aren't used in ice cream commercials. That stuff you see is actually mashed potatoes.

5.Killer whales have a recorded bite force of close to 19,000 psi. Enough to crush concrete blocks.

6.Humans have a recorded bite force of about 200 psi. Enough to get muscle fatigue from trying to crush fried chicken bone. Pfft.. useless.
Killer whales are actually dolphins.

7.Adult cats don't meow at other adult cats. It's a love language reserved for us humans.

8.It's actually possible for humans to learn how to ecoholocate, it's much easier for blind people.

9.Once the symptoms of rabies start showing, your chances of survival is 0.000001%

10.Your eyes are the same size it's ever been since birth. They never grow.


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