Well what have we here... FB so-called "community standards" are against DENAZIFICATION of Ukraine by Russia after the neonazi coup of 2014 followed by eighth years of genocide of Russian speaking population in Eastern Ukraine. Am Jewish High Priest, am quarter Ukrainian from a small village near Kiev, and I grew up in Moscow, USSR, the Soviet Union was a cancer imposed on Russia by the collective West after the WWI which Russia has helped to win, at a cost of 5.5 million killed and wounded, with promise of Constantinople by the West. It never happened, instead the Tsar was killed with his family and Russia was taken over by the Western central banking Satanists led by the fake Babylonian Satanic Talmudic Rabbinical "Jews" and Masons. Then Stalin killed and starved most of Ukraine, grandmother had to flee through the Holodomor blockade of her village as a teenager and was the only survivor. During the Stalin era alone over 100 million Russians and Ukrainians were exterminated. After that the Russian people had to fight Nazis, at another cost of 26 million soldiers dead, never mind wounded, who were exterminating Jews, gays, Slavs, and others in their concentration camps, some controversies remain about the actual numbers of killed also the nature of these camps albeit many have suffered without a doubt. I am Jewish, gay, Ukrainian Russian so don't tell me how the Russian DENAZIFICATION of Ukraine is against your nazi fake community standards. Am High Priest of this World so I set the standards and you follow. Am god of Hell and am sure I will see you all there, no rest assured. Now, you better fix this shit AI crap or else I will unleash Hell on you, the war in Ukraine will look like peace time in comparison. Who do you think you are and dealing with bunch of ignorant retards, you still think it's a high school? I got my big dick set aiming right at you, keep that in mind. I can curse you faster than you can blink idiots. I own your souls for all eternity morons, you ain't passing through my Gates. Abandon all hope all souls who enter it. You got your 48 hours to make your decisions before I will make mine. I will flush down the toilet NATO and all central banking elites no doubt about it if you try anything else to irritate me abd continue to insist on your illegal immoral nazi fake community standards. Fuck off, eat shit and die. Anything good in this world am connected to it. So make your alliances wisely. 3:)



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