Can we get Facebook to use SMTs?

in #facebook6 years ago (edited)

In a post today Mark Zuckerberg stated:

A lot of us got into technology because we believe it can be a decentralizing force that puts more power in people's hands. (The first four words of Facebook's mission have always been "give people the power".) Back in the 1990s and 2000s, most people believed technology would be a decentralizing force.

But today, many people have lost faith in that promise. With the rise of a small number of big tech companies — and governments using technology to watch their citizens — many people now believe technology only centralizes power rather than decentralizes it.

There are important counter-trends to this --like encryption and cryptocurrency -- that take power from centralized systems and put it back into people's hands. But they come with the risk of being harder to control. I'm interested to go deeper and study the positive and negative aspects of these technologies, and how best to use them in our services.

This will be a serious year of self-improvement and I'm looking forward to learning from working to fix our issues together.


Now the important part that we should focus on is when he says "I'm interested to go deeper and study the positive and negative aspects of these technologies [cryptocurrencies], and how best to use them in our services."

So this means that not only is he considering cryptocurrency to help his 2+ Billion users, but also does not seem to have a solution yet!

Here is where SMTs come in..

As the SMT website states:

A Smart Media Token (SMT) is a native digital asset on the Steem blockchain that can be quickly launched by anyone to help monetize online content and create incentives to encourage desired user behavior."

Smart tokens with near instant settlement and zero transaction fees opens up new non-advertising business models."

"It enables tokens to be distributed by "upvote" and "like"-based algorithms and can be integrated with websites to align incentives between application owners and community members to spur growth."


So it is good to see Mark wanting to decentralize Facebook, and with Bitcoin and Ethereum having issues with slow transactions..

It only makes sense to use the STEEM blockchain.. Especially with so many users!

So I am excited for the future of STEEM and Steemit, and with SMTs coming soon I hope the future will be great for crypto!

Read Mark's Full Post Here:

Image Sources: 1, 2, 3

Disclaimer: I am not an Investment Advisor, and this is not investment advice. This is for entertainment purposes only!

Post - Vote - Earn :D


Propose a new name for facebook - fastebook (fast ebook, faSTEbook)

Can smt handle such a big load of transactions? This would be massive compared to now.
Just my thoughts. J

I think Mark is also considering features that are very superior in Steemit, such as cheetah applications and news hoax detectors. Otherwise, it will lose many users.

Would love to see Facebook adopt smts causing steem to surge & slowly destroy Facebook anyway! Good game

nice article...keep updating

tech is future

Exactly you either keep up or get left behind ;D

That would be epic!

Facebook better get right, before they get left! To new era of social media...
We welcome you steemit, and the sky is only your stepping stone to a universe of opportunities... this is going to be the best year of our lives i believe

nice article...keep updating us...;)

I wouldn't know if you didn't post. Thanks.

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