Facebook Free Basics Gives Major Sites To Developing World

in #facebook6 years ago (edited)

Facebook has billions of users, and many people are leaping on the speeding bandwagon to make use of this for their products and services. And why not? Customers want to find things and solutions all the time and if they can be presented to them in easy snippets on social media, then fair play to them. We are all customers at one time or another.

Something that Facebook has been doing, that I was in the dark about until now, is Free Basics . What it does is gives people in developing countries free acess to over one hundred big player websites.It's a great product, and I cannot fault it at all, but it needs to be mentioned that it will not allow a person who uses it to access your website. We must put our content on one of the major players instead of our own. This calls for capitulation in some regard, as we don't really want to leave people out. It's not fair that the internet is unaffordable to anyone and I'd be the first to roll out free connections and laptops to all. If only.. so we must accept the way things are.

It's great to have an online presence, individual and addressed to you, but now that we've gone truly global it's wise to take heed of how others are accessing the media we create. We really should not be discriminating against customers who are paying for our things and readers who are interested in what we produce, our media must be for all in an equal society. So if we're to cater for everyone, and there are a lot of them, maybe it is a good idea to put a few pieces of full content on one of the big player websites. If not all, then some.

Facebook marketing is something that many people are making use of, the way services and products are delivered are numerous and evolving. I like the fact that the company is continually shifting things to keep it fresh and interesting. Let's hope that it continues to improve, and that more sites like mine and yours can someday be accessed for nothing at all.

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