Why Minds.com Is What Facebook Promised To Be | A Video-Introduction

in #facebook7 years ago (edited)

A 20-minute introduction to the social network Minds.com in which I talk about the advantages it has over using Facebook. Minds.com is what facebook set out to be, and this video will allow you to gain insights on why that is.

The next video will tackle the best tips and tricks to being successful in building a following on minds.com but I felt it important to give brief overview beforehand, and mention why you may want to join Minds.com in this early stage.

You can sign up using this link

Come find me on minds.com at

Amazing pictures of humanity at its best

Thanks for stopping by <3
And happy new year everyone <3 <3


Minds has been awesome for me. Add Steemit and I'm not sure what content creators are waiting for to leave Facebook!

I've tried to get people to migrate off Facebook to Minds and now Steemit, but everyone is reluctant, yet they admit they are fed up with Facebook. I've not looked back since deactivating my fb account.

Hehe, same thing here.
for the longest time I thought we have to get people over to the alternatives. Then I thought well, the longer the masses stay away the longer we can build and care for this place. To set a nice ground level.

The facebook penetration of people's minds is just too deep I guess. They wouldn't leave fb if all but 2% of the posts in their feed would be ads.

I think we can just be glad we gave steemit a chance 'earlier' than many other people.
I find Steemit and Minds complement each other well

Yep, a blessing for sure, my mood is much better since I started using them more than FB

Awesome to hear that Adam <3
You are past 40 reputation - congrats dude

Yep, quite a few people I know tried one or the other like a year ago, and refuse to try again. I'll admit it took me a bit to get into them. Most people still on FB I've found are not sharing content they really care about reaching people with, so they have less incentive to leave FB as long as they can play Candy Crush and post their cat pics.

I signed up at minds but I had the sneaking suspicion that when I promoted my posts they were not actually reaching the amount of eyes claimed. I also felt s little confused by the whole set up and ran into a lot more polarized arguments. I’d like to give it another chance and find a way to use steemit and minds together but I think I need some advice. Steemit isnextrmely time consuming, I don’t want minds to be cause if it is, I’d rather just steemit.

As I mentioned, minds is more like a quick and dirty thing. You can get lost in it, but I find browsing the newsfeed once a day is usually enough.

Also the arguments you mentioned are gold if you are not sure what to write about. I get so many ideas from the ideological fallout of battles taking place that I don't see myself running out of ideas to share.

That said, it can be quite horrendous how some people talk to each other on there. The missing monetary ramification of bad conduct and the anonymity factor - as well as the free-speech emphasis - will eventually attract all sorts of people.

But as on steemit, I feel one can build an amazing tribe on minds, and regularly get challenged on his own current dogmas and understanding.

Since I started Steemit I find myself rarely on Minds. Too little time left <3

why do so many people feel the need to emphasize the right to be an asshole as part of their right to free speech. I do believe in their right to be able to say it, and I would hope everyone shoots them down and makes them feel like an asshole!

Of course!
That's why there are these heated battles to begin with. not only because someone (ab)uses his right to say whatever, even in an unconstructive and asshole-like manner, but because others will take him up on that offer hitting back with their viewpoint or emotional charge, which reveals a lot about the people making claims on both sides of the battle.

It can be a huge timesaver though,seeing who is "worthy" of honest discussion and who I should just let run out of steam all by himself.

Those people have never been on psychedelic journey. Otherwse they would not talk to others that way, especially when they want to build a bridge of understanding.

We live in times of covert ideologies and self-righteous knights of dogma who are fighting ultimately against themselves and are not getting it at all. Only, how am I ever gonna relay that to them in a shit throwing battle^^

Or why would I, to begin with?

Needless to say the more socially (and artificially) charged an issue is, the nastier the exchange. Homesteading, Permaculture, animal care... these are topics on minds where only few would use that type of communication approach, maybe except for the odd ass who saw an innocent post boosted and decided to ruin someone's day

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