Zuckerberg gets worried by Steem

in #facebook7 years ago (edited)

A couple of days ago Mark Zuckerberg made the following comments on his Facebook page.

.....many people now believe technology only centralizes power rather than decentralizes it.

There are important counter-trends to this --like encryption and cryptocurrency ....... I'm interested to go deeper and study the positive and negative aspects of these technologies, and how best to use them in our services.

Hmmm, so interested in crypto and how to best use them in their services. Do you think Mr Z thinks Steemit crypto payment for contributing is the future and is getting worried? Is this an opportunity for Steemit or a threat?
My personal take is that it is not necessarily a threat. People currently are choosing Steemit over Facebook and not just for the crypto payment carrot. Any introduction of cryptocurrency into Facebook would no doubt reference where the idea originated and would be a whole new level of exposure. What are you thoughts, could Facebook pull this off and if so, do we need to be worried?

Apologies if this has already appeared on Steemit, but I didn't see it discussed.


I found his choice of words revealing. "But they come with the risk of being harder to control". No Mark, that is the whole point...

Yes, he let the mask slip...it does reveal what the first concern of Facebook is...

Now that's what I call steem power, I noticed lots of decentralized social media popping up but I think steemit is the best still

Agreed, Steem has first mover advantage and of course we are Facebook, Twitter and YouTube all rolled into one.

So did My space space I hope steem stays on top, but I am testing out other ones and they are not too bad

Mmm, interesting. Yes the space is heating up. Do you have a favourite? First mover advantage is good, but you're right, tell that to the Altavistas or AOLs or MtGoxs.

Indeed, 2 that i like are Sola and Viuly.

Cool, I'll have a look at them.

Steemit is way better then FB. Facebook is just way to personal in my opinion.

Hi Max ;)

@demotruk and I are thinking about planning a steem meetup in Belfast this weekend if you'd be interested. I met a couple more people here from near Belfast, @dearjyoce and her husband @bosshogg who just joined. Dearjyoce wanted to meet some people so I thought I would ask you if you and @wendika want to help us organise it by inviting people you know from steem and maybe recommending a good spot to meet?

Let me know if this weekend is good or we can do the weekend after. We can post from @steem-belfast account once we set the date.

Also, here's the new steem-Ireland discord server

Absolutely. @wendika & I scouted out a location before Xmas there. I've been meaning to suggest it to you guys but I was thinking February would be more appealing to you re frosty roads etc. I'm keen if you are. This weekend is good, but I have a wedding the following weekend and I'm skiing the 2 weekends after that (don't worry I'm not frittering away my hard earned Steem on indulgent holidays😀). May try a poster or two in the Queen's Student Union as the place we were looking at is in the Queen's Quarter.

Cool, I'm going to do a quick post to say we're doing a meetup with the @steem-belfast account. We'll add the exact time and location once we work it out.

let them use steem :)

Maybe old Zuck is thinking of starting an SMT on steem. But i doubt it. I think he will create his own closed source blockchain which may keep some of the rats from fleeing the sinking ship but will be a continuation of the corporate idea with a few cumbs from the table given to the most active facebookerz.

I agree. I don't think he's in the profit sharing business.

I think you've hit the nail on the head, it'll be at best the YouTube model rather than the d.tube model, with only the biggest players being monetised significantly.

It would be awesome if he tried to buy us out, not that there would be many sellouts. I suppose the most likely way is a fork in the Blockchain.

the word cryptocurrency in his post was enough to heat the world i think and we will see some unexpected announcement

If Mr Z was clever he would copy Steemit and work out a way to reward FB people.... it's a no brainer!

If someone spend some time in Steemit then they will for sure get in the boat of Steemit than FB.Heard of the news though but only time is gonna tell what will happen :)
Lets hope for the best !

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