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RE: Some interesting info concerning Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan among other women working at facebook with Mark's face on their t-shirts for his B-day party

in #facebook4 years ago

You had me at I don't read, I would say to Mark Zuckerberg. Around 2006 when I joined, they had a Facebook Friends Tree where you could see how you were related to other friends and who they were friends with in a tree. They took that away. MySpace was better than Facebook. Too many people don't get that. I try to tell people as a web designer myself that MySpace was more customizable. Facebook is said to be connected to Life Log. Mark is probably related to Rothschild or Rockefeller or something. But Google, Facebook, etc, have been connected to things like DARPA, etc. They have been government or I mean tax-payer funded.


I believe you speak Truth @joeyarnoldvn! Definitely LifeLog shut down by DARPA same day FB started up. No Way Zuck wasn't selected and definitely follows the pattern and path of many a globalist.

I have heard the rumors that he is part of the Rothschild family. One thing is for Sure, the Truth is Stranger than Fiction!

Absolutely Tax Payer funded and here they Censor whatever info they Don't want the general population to see or hear!

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