Reasons why people try to hack a Facebook account

in #facebook7 years ago

Reasons why people try to hack a Facebook account

Facebook is for many of us a safe-heaven, a special place where we meet new people, we share special moments and we relax. It is more than social media, it has become a kind of refuge from today’s stressed world and also a medium to express ourselves. We meet other people and we get our voices heard anywhere we like. Anything, from giving a like to a subject close to our hearts or sharing a funny photo, these are the contemporary means of communication. Nowadays, we even read the news on Facebook and make important professional contacts.

Regardless of it’s many benefits, we must bear in mind that every good thing, every innovation comes with a cost, even Facebook. One of it’s dangers is the possibility of a hack. Hacking has become a worldwide phenomenon, a process that’s only started, but will certainly affect the online community for years to come.

You may wonder who can possibly have an interest in your Facebook profile, as to hack your page and gain access to your cat’s latest tricks. Well, there are a number of reasons behind a Facebook hack and a number of persons that could do it.

There are three very common situations, which I am going to describe and hopefully it will give you an idea as to how better prevent them and protect your profile.
Firstly, there is the „impersonal hack” or so I like to call it. It’s an attack on the whole network, so it may not concern you personally, but it will certainly affect your profile. Facebook can usually tackle a hack in a couple of hours and on the bright side they are not very frequent. There are also a number of protections in place for users, a kind of prevention system, set up by Facebook.

Secondly, the hack may come from a person you know, not from some lonely hacker in a basement. It can be someone from work. We all heard the stories about interviews that go beyond a meeting, of companies that track the employee’s online activities. It is nothing wrong with some employer checking your profile before taking the decision of hiring you. But, what happens when the boundaries are crossed and they gain access to personal, private photos or videos? They want to make sure you are focused on work and they may ask someone from the IT department to crack your password. This is a serious violation of your privacy and a meddling in your personal affairs that is simply unacceptable.

Thirdly, your personal acquaintances, maybe a curious family member or even your ex, can play the hacker. They may want to get their hands on something compromising or even learn some of your secrets. It is also very unpleasant, even if it comes from a friend or it’s done with the best of intentions. It can hurt the trust you and that person share and I don’t think there is a good enough reason you can come up with to justify spying on a loved one.
Rest assured that in all of these cases and many more, you can protect yourself. Facebook has some clear security tips, very well explained, which you can access with a simple search on Google. They typically evolve your password or better protecting your email.With all this in mind, be careful how you set up your Facebook profile and don’t forget to enjoy it. Make it beautiful and safe. You will most definitely like it.

You know the saying: better be safe, than sorry.

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