How to permanently DELETE your facebook page run by the CIA.

in #facebook6 years ago

No not "deactivate it" DELETE it! That's right! If you haven't already done so.

I'm sure several of you reading this have already done this. If so, good for you! If not, I hope the funny satirical Onion News sketch from almost a decade ago would be enough to convince you. It is a sad day when a comedy sketch like the video above is ALL true. Comedy will always be the only outlet that can get by the censors. Which is how the Onion News was able to pull off getting away making the video above. Hope it gives you a good laugh. Remember, the Onion News, the only trusted news site in America. Oh the irony! Only in America can an actual fake news network really report only real news HA HA.

I figured with all this facebook crap going on I would share the link that instructs you on how to delete it. This link will show you how step by step.

Or, you could just skip ahead and go here...

I hope y'all delete your facebook accounts.

Stay Un-Tune-Ed

Join the Truth Party, The Radical Underground Tyrant Haters Party!!!
Comedy through activism, activism through comedy.

Welcome to the NEW West!!!
Rainbow Man meme6.jpg


So very true. Truth is humorous to the uneducated.

Sad reality.

howdy Rainbow Man! wow you don't like facebook very much do you? they do seem to be shooting themselves in the foot these days, maybe they'll substantially fade away.

Howdy Jonboy! I would just encourage you and everyone else to get off of facebook. Steemit is where it is at HA HA.

Rainbow Man! well sir, I have never done anything on any social site before steemit but we set up a site one time on facebook but we don't ever go there or use it.

Nope still have it , on a pc that is , not mobile .
It's great for using your voice on news subjects among common people . Point out mistakes and flaws in there thinking .
Be that one other voice between the masses , to give some balance . I for fun place my position mark all over the world , make me teleport-man ;-) . I do hate the whole concept of Fakebook , but why leave , i have no secrets . And i love it when people rage over my comments . Or expose themselves as the government ops they are .
But anyways thanks for the tip , it might come to be handy one day .

The links will always be here whenever you are ready. Been 8 years since I had a facebook page :-).

Got it only for 3 years now , and if you fully understand that everybody is watching , you can use that in a positive way ,... promote freedom and free will .
And yes you will have to be prepared to get burned , so really thanks , a link to stop burning when i have had enough ;-)

B.t.w. here on Steemit the comment's are also no longer free from burners .
Do not place your free thought's as a comment on a post about a as a trap placed truck and trailer in a poor neighbourhood . Yanky Google comes by and will burn you with G.W.Bush and stripes .
Oh man , i had shush fun ;-) .

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