end of line for facecbook?

in #facebook7 years ago

I have been saying that facebook would one day face the same challenges as myspace and livejournal to stay relevant, and they certainly have tried with messaging that requires you to stay logged in and on their site, advertising, shops (so to speak), personal pages, you name it, and so far it seems they avoided people leaving due to, the devil you know, mentality, like when google plus came along, everyone knew pretty much that google was not to be trusted anymore than facebook, (googlenet/skynet anyone?). Many other sites too have come and gone, some with much better features, but no-one really knew who they were, or heard about it, so always something keeps those who leave, coming back. Will steemit be able to pull it off?
At least one other site tried the "pay you for your content" option where you got to share in their advert earnings, but again to no avail.
Personally I thought Discord would be a contender to rival them, and from a unique way of tackling it from the angle of a chat functionality first, and some sort of blog/wall system after wards, still waiting to see how that goes,

 I would love to see a social network/auction house, that has a forum style for dealing with feedback, that way you can follow the entire transaction history from lost packages and the like to how it finally gets resolved and how long it takes for sellers to do what they are going to do in resolution issues, after all its not a judge of your character, how you act when everything is fine, but rather how you treat others during adversity, and most current feedback systems are very lack luster, even twitter is better than the feed back allotment you get on ebay. I always thought the feedback was a way to let buyers know what sort of seller they were dealing with from customers past experiences, but when all you can type is "bad seller dont buy they tri" or "great seller AAA+++" and you get no more context than that, it really does not do jack for anyone when researching a seller that you plan on spending your hard earned, and even harder saved cash, with. 

then there are the little tricks sellers will try or buyers will try to get over on each other, and good long winded feedback often is the only way you can let people know what to expect and maybe how to prepare for it saving yourself from their experience.

example? try this on for size

SELLER: you have a problem with the product? please RMA it to this address enter address using USPS mail please.
BUYER: ok *goes to USPS to print label but USmails automated system keeps changing something in the address, because the sellers RMA address is actually not correct, then they contact the US mail carrier's helpline and ask, "is this right" USPS employee, after checking: yes the new address is correct, the other one does not exist" prints out label, sends to seller
BUYER: ok I see by my tracking the package is there, please fix this.
SELLER: you sent it to the wrong address, no fixing, no refund!

this leaves the buyer having to contact ebay and deal with a long conversation to show what happened and ebay then forcing the seller to refund the customer, causing the seller a problem IF the buyer takes the time and does not just buy the "you sent it to the wrong address so now I dont have to take care of the problem" lie.

Either way it would be good to be able to leave proper feedback that lets people know about this problem and if you see more than one instance, you know the seller is not to be trusted, seriously. and what about better detailed feedback for customers? let other sellers know what sort of customer they might be dealing with BEFORE they ship.

Being a seller and a buyer I have been on both sides of the equation, with someone trying to get over on me, so not only would I appreciate the heads up but would willingly participate and be transparent about things to help others.

what are your thoughts, like what are features you would like to have in a social network, how would it work? from technical to just user side view, let me know what you would want. and what you could see being a waste of time to implement. :)

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