SteemIT model is a socialist tool- This will do what Bernie and Corbyn are trying to do

in #facebook7 years ago

I love the model behind steemIT and once I start to look under the hood, I see the whole blockchain technology being a tool that breaks the capitalists model.

The distributed ledger and distributed apps model that is emerging allows the common man to put their unused resources to work.  Look at what Uber did, or air BnB, it empowered the average man to be able to monetize resources that previously could not be monetised as it was too costly.

Blochain is taking that model and putting it on steroids, with a super charged turbo with rocket fuel, it has enough power in it to wake up Jupiter.  Imagine you have have extra power (CPU, memory, storage) on your phone, laptop, tablet, you have extra bandwidth on your internet connection, stick up a solar panel and you have extra electricity, write a blog, take a picture, make a movie and now not can you distribute it and get it out there but you can also monetise it.

Internet and sites like Instagram, facebook youtube allowed content creators at home to get their media out and then along came the advertisers, who used your content (popular sites) to start to make money on your IPR, but you never go paid, because the balance of powers was in their hands, some got paid, but now you can cut out the middle men, not only are you getting paid, but the technology makes it seemless.  You also are paying it from money (tokens) that you earned from selling your new found resources.

To be this will revolutionise the world, it will empower the common man, the biggest shift of power from the elite 1% of the top 1% and move it to the common people, it will take power from the govt and give it to the average man, it will bring together people and ensure everyone gets a better deal.  

It will be biggest redistribution of wealth tool that we have ever seen.  For sure with all these crazy ICOs there will be a bubble, it will blow, people say I told you so, but the technology is there, it has arrived and money has already been ploughed in, you can't stop this, in the same way Trump or any other company cannot stop the move to renewable energy, because the technology has arrived, the investments have been made, now everyone country and everyone can be independent of the fossil fuel countries.

... next challenge is clean fresh water 

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