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in #facebook7 years ago

Know About The7 Disturbing Facts About Facebook

Social networking has made the world a global village. An individual sitting in the Northern Hemisphere can easily connect with his friend residing in the tropics. Sites like Facebook have bought about a revolution in the way we have perceived the internet so far. But after the incident related to Edward Snowden, people have become suspicious of the major online sites and companies. Some disturbing facts about Facebook are presented before you, going through which, you may be able to see the other side of the coin. They are collecting a lot of data and going through these facts about Facebook may help you in understanding the way it affects us.

1. Facial recognition technology.


Tagging a friend may not seem as much fun when you come to know that the algorithm of Facebook, which has the accuracy of 98% is able to set a pattern in matching faces. The only question that is left to answer is how long before the company sells this information to the retailers and they are able to provide services according to what they know about us.

2. Facebook knows about your whereabouts.


If you have decided the messenger app to know your location then chances are that a stalker can also track you. A programmer created Marauder’s Map, an analogy to the map used in Harry Potter. It was able to provide him with the exact location of his friends who had messenger installed in their phones.

3. You feel a lot worse when you use Facebook.


Heavy social media use is related with the feeling of distress. Seeing the life of others makes you feel a lot bad about yourself. But in such cases you should remember that if one wants to envy, he should envy the entire life and not just a piece of it. Liking and clicking on Facebook is related with feeling a loss in mental and physical health.

4. Facebook is able to create an Echo chamber.


The people of the United States were able to shift the blame on Facebook for the election of the new American President. The basic aim of the site is to keep you engaged and it may be bad for your intellect. The filter bubble allows you to see ideas and opinions you support and no other content.

5. It has a negative impact on people with eating disorders.


This can again be related to the fact that Facebook makes people compare with each other. People using Facebook on a regular basis were reported to have a very disordered eating pattern. This has been proved by many surveys conducted among different types of users.

6. Lone wolves can feel even lonelier by continued use of Facebook.


The easiest way to know what you are missing in life is by scrolling through your Facebook news feed. This study had the most shocking fact to reveal in 2 weeks of the research.

7. They are happy to sell your data.


Yes it is the truth. They can sell your data to companies who are looking to use that data in enhancing their online sales. The intention of such companies is to merge the Facebook data with their own. Thus allowing them to access information related to every other user.

So these were some Facebook facts that may help you understand the potential hazards of spending a lot of your time on social platform. Hope you would have got the gist and would try to remain more careful in the future.

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