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RE: Crude idea: An advertisement model where front ends, content creators and voters benefit.

in #exyle6 years ago

start thinking about generating revenue outside of the reward pool for sustainability of the blockchain

I agree. But still believe there must be better ways than advertisements, tracking users from where they came...well..facebook has a lot of problems as we speak with this privacy related issue. Only the thought of it makes me shiver. Track for adblockers is possible and people now receive warnings on those sites that they should disable adblocker to see the content. I always move on without trying to see the content of that web site.

So, if the problem is generating revenue, and it is as we know, not every firm or website depends on advertising. Perhaps it is worthfull looking into investments from other companys or entrepreneurs. Also the business of Steeminc should not become a advertisement business.

And if eventually is unescapable to use advertisements, I opt for a subscription model. I am willing to pay a fee to not see any of those pesky advertisement rubbish.


Better ways for content creation apps to generate revenue than advertisements, I am all for it! Please share you idea's. A subscription model sure can work, it's not uncommon.

We already know that people are willing to pay for a good products on the blockchain. Steem Monsters has proven this without a doubt.

STEEM is a currency that can connect a lot people all over the world with ease. I'm trying to see it in a new light.

what would that fee be? how many users would be able to pay it? example if it would be 10$ in your country that is maybe a hour work, in mine it is a day, in some it may be half of the month. in this market in a month of posts i earned in liquid steem around 15$. so you have to think how many users would you lost by subscription model.
Ads placed by tags could be good, so you don't have a lot of user tracking data. now will companies would like that i am not sure.

Advertisement would be a way to keep it free. Subscription is for the ones that don't want to see adds or if an app is so good people don't mind paying for it. There are so many frontends and apps to access the blockchain nowadays I don't see why any of this would lose users? Users of the blockchain or user of the apps?

that would be great, if you don't want to see ads you have an option to subscribe. i was thinking if you go only subs access that would lose users.
I don't mind ads if they are done right, not in you face.

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