What drives you to stick with the Steem blockchain?

in #exyle6 years ago (edited)


From time to time I like to go back in my blog and look at things I used to say and write and if I still feel the same way.

I am also starting to realise that there aren't that many people left that know me from the old days.

I have no idea how I am perceived by new users and they probably have no clue about the insane journey I had to go through to get where I am now.

I'm turning grey and I'm pretty sure Steem is part of the reason why!

Anyway, I was going through my blog and came across this post.

I liked it then and I still do today.

It's a vlog I made on the 30th of July 2017 about what drives me to stick with the Steem Blockchain.

For me it's my own personal vision and passion I always had this blockchain and I need to know where it is going and I want to be part of it every step of the way.

I still feel like that.

Many people have come and gone since this video.

My question is what has driven you to stick with this Blockchain?

I am part of witness @blockbrothers.

Please consider us for your witness vote if you think we deserve it here:

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I'm not going to hide it, one of the most important aspects is the money that I will potentially earn if I keep at it and grow my account.

Also, as someone who started with nothing invested here, I fucking love the journey and the grind. I love every time my SP increases, no matter if it's just by 0.001 SP from a curation reward or a small post payout.

Last but not least I like the community and I trully believe in Steemit. Sure we have the scummy people, the spamers, but it's not like people who join here came with an alien spaceship. We can't expect all of them to be amazing. It's the same in the real world.

Posted using Partiko Android

Ermmm, I won't lie money was what brought me here and represents a significant chunk of the reasons why I stay.

I also love the ease of use, once you're registered everything else is pretty straight forward. I love how i don't have to bother about what i write and how I write it.

Creative freedom is pretty good right!

I will admit that at first I was driven by the speculative thought that would allow me to make income by staking coins and posting every so often. However, after learning and enjoying the journey and engaging with different communities I feel much more than a financial goal in the long term. I enjoy the different ways I can engage like being on the treadmill as I write this to get some activity for @actifit and my health or when I sit later to play some @steemmonsters and get a quest done for the day. These are examples of how it has evolved since I started less than a year ago and with that I can envision what could be achieved and how value will ultimately be created!

For me it's simple - there is far more opportunity right now on the Steem blockchain than anywhere else I have ever found. Doesn't mean that it's quick or easy, you have to be smart and work hard, but if you do that it should be easier to be successful here than most other places.

Hi, I'm deeply concerned with the idea of a 50/50 reward scheme...

The numbers just don't add up. At least this not where we are supposed to be driving the platform. Please read this post, I would love to have your feedback on the subject.

Not really sure this was the best way to get in touch with me about this issue, but nevertheless I'm generally in agreement with you which you can see in the spreadsheet shown here: https://steemit.com/witness-category/@cervantes/witness-consensus-status-to-fix-the-actual-steem-s-economic-flows-eng

I offer my sincere apology if I caused inconvenience. I am just too worried because of the huge blow that new users already suffered from HF20. I agree that less spam will benefit in the middle term but redfishes are too constrained atm...
But, raising the curation up to 50 will make impossible for new users to be incentivized to join the platform, and with no more users Steem will stagnate :(

I've said it before and I can't say this enough. Having a shared account across all the dapps that people can't shut down is priceless to me. It's so easy to get your youtube account closed down without warning, I've seen it so many times around me, even with people I know. It feels just so unfair to have your life's work taken away from you, without the ability to fight back or even get a reason what was wrong. Here, that's not going to happen. I can post my stuff without worry and my fanbase is shared across dapps as well, so wherever I go they automatically follow. With youtube you lose everything, your work, your account and your subscribers.

In closure, as long as I'm able to post what I like without the fear of having my account taken away, I'm here to stay. The price of Steem doesn't even come close in comparison to the importance of censorship resistance.

I stay because this platform is one of the opportunities I have to run a project where I am my own boss - personally facing the consequences of whatever hard work I do or do not do. Unlike a regular job with a monthly pay check where working more or less hard doesn't really matter, challenges like growing an account on Steemit require passion and commitment and will be rewarding if we dare to put those in!

challenges like growing an account on Steemit require passion and commitment and will be rewarding if we dare to put those in!

I agree! well said!

For me it's the timing of it all @exyle.

The fact that Steem is priced at only $0.78 USD and might even go lower means that I can start to purchase a sizable position.

There is a host of other factors that contribute to me staying on Steem but the fact that I might be able to become a good sized player in the Steem eco-system is the one that motivates me the most.

P.S. Good sized as in 500 to 3,000 Steem.

I hope you will reach your personal goals!

My question is what has driven you to stick with this Blockchain?

Being able to say your truth, and making a few dollars. Until 3 days ago.
A lefty psycho took offense to my ...wait for it.....NCP memes. (I'm not joking).

I've had great support from people, to combat his downvoting attack on nearly every post I've made (even non meme related ones).

This is the first time I've come across this , in just over a year- and if these means I cant make mt 4 dollars a day ( I live on some of that! ) - then I'll be looking elsewhere.

Steemit is shrinking, and this kind of behavior will drive people away big time...

(any upvotes in support of free speech would be appreciated... lol

I cant get into comments too much I need to recharge.. - my Rc's are down to 20 odd percent after this last couple of days fighting..).

If this is a change of attitude - to people expressing information in the form of humor being obliterated, - and if people are so sensitive so as to be triggered enough to down vote around $7 in value - not a lot for some but next week I'm on reduced food rations..

Not a good evolution of how I thought this platform was gonna be..
(whining over, now. lol)

See, I don't know about that meme or what I think of it, I've never actually heard of it until now, but this is exactly the type of thing I've always worried/wondered about on this platform. Someone can start a personal vendetta against someone else and if they have enough voting power they can absolutely wreck the other person. Something should be done to combat this.

This kind of thing is very destructive and seems an obvious potential problem.

What if this guy hates you so much and has enough technical know-how that he creates a bot that just goes and downvotes every single thing you post from now until forever?

There are crazies who obsess over people and decide to try and destroy them for all kinds of reasons, sometimes even imaginary made up thoughts of who you are. And this kind of thinking is exacerbated on the internet where people don't see each other face to face and forget each others humanity. It's pretty much the central problem with social media from what I've seen.

The argument has always been, well you just get others to upvote to counter the crazy and that just doesn't seem like a good enough solution to me.

By the way to a lot of people here I'm probably more of a "leftist" than anything else, which is pretty rare from what I've seen on this platform. Most people here seem either far right, apolitical, or they have some degree of a libertarian streak... But regardless, of where others are coming from, I don't want this kind of thing happening to anyone here.

What I really liked when I came here was that it's an own blockchain and not some ERC20 token running on the slow ethereum blockchain, like with most other crypto social media sites. I liked the focus of Steemit on "proof-of-brain" and reward sharing through valuable content.
Unfortunately this has changed for me over the past months. First I saw, that people like Bernie Sanders, who have not contributed one intelligent thing to the blockchain are gaining a huge following and through power plays mobbing other users to their exit. This new level of cyber bullying was a huge turnoff for me and I even more was annoyed by all the people rewarding this behaviour with their votes. How could anyone with a reasonable IQ vote for hate speech and mobbing?
Then came the change in business decisions by Steemit to head into the direction of providing a platform for tokens instead of focus on the "proof of brain" part.
The thing is, that SMTs are nothing new and there are other blockchains who already do that as their main business (and are at least 1-2 years ahead of Steem in this endeavor), like Ether, EOS or especially my favorite TRON (and many "smaller" ones like Waves etc.). This is a wrong business decision from my perspective.
Lastly I realized, that having your funds being frozen for at least 13 weeks is a killer - especially in a bear market, where you have to go into Tether or Fiat really fast when everything is crashing and wait until the markets recover to go back into crypto.
I lost most of my investments over the past months due to them being kept hostage by Steem. I will never do that again and only invest in projects where I can decide what to do with my money and when.
These 3 main points have made me retreat from Steem more and more - I'll keep on posting here because of the community that I really like, but not for monetary reasons.
That's the summary of my journey and learnings over the past months.
Thanks to you, there are at least a few people I really adore for being a figurehead of the Steem blockchain. Keep up your great job and I really hope, that some of these main issues of the blockchain will resolve over time. 🙏

I still believe we are at an early stage of this great thing and that future developments are going to make it even more amazing! We have come so far already and there is a ways to go!

Yeah, being zoomed in too much sometimes make people feel we are not moving fast enough. But I'm like you we have come far and many good things to look forward to!

And it's easy to forget the fun aspect too!

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