No stress even though all the trains stopped working!

in #exyle6 years ago


A couple of days before our flight I got the nerves.

Haha, if you follow my blog you know I suffer from them.

So this time to get rid of them once and for all I booked a hotel next to the airport.

I could even park my car there for 30 days!

And it was one of the best decisions I ever made.

Especially because the same night we were leaving all the trains around Amsterdam and Schiphol stopped working due to a software error and they had no clue when they would start up again!

But it was not my problem now!

It was awesome!

No stress leaving home while Bianca was doing her "I'm almost done stuff" (while I'm stressing).

We had all the time in the world.

Driving to the hotel at night with no chance of traffic and no pressure of getting there on time.

When we checked in and we reserved a free shuttle bus (5 minutes) to the airport and that was it.

I must admit I never traveled this stress free and in the end it wasn't even that much more because you save money on taxi's, trains, food and what not + you will live longer, lol.

After a couple of drinks in the hotel bar and a well rested night we are now almost ready to leave for Brasil.

I can't wait!

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Stress free is the right way to travel. I did that too when I flew from Milan to Vancouver.

I'm still learning I guess. Should have done this ages ago.

Great solution, my friend and now living in the hotel you can safely wait for your aircraft and enjoy a beer, haha. I think this is the best way to avoid stress. Well done! Thanks Mark

It was thanks, man!

Hello @exyle, it is good that you have already freed yourself from that stress that does not do you any good, the best friend there is to live the moment with peace and relaxation, that couple of drinks that did very well and well to sleep in that hotel with the security that will take you to the airport on time, and even more to be relaxed, beautiful friend, happy trip and soon here near venezuela, in Brazil.

Yeah I heard about the trains stopping. Another person I follow was vlogging about it. Have a safe and fun trip to Brazil! That is exciting! :)

Thank you! It's awesome here so far.

I bet! I am so jealous right now. If you like to eat meat, make sure to visit one of the all you can eat meat places there. You will LOVE it. :)

You have learned the way to travel almost stress-free! That's what I do. I don't leave anything to chance. The night before you check into the hotel then take the shuttle in the morning. Easy, peasy. This must be really exciting for Bianca! To get a chance to go to a wedding and see her family! Exciting for you too. The wedding of a friend and visit with future in laws too!

Thank you so much. And in I will for sure do it again in the future. Bianca is indeed excited, won't be long now before she sees her family.

Very wise decision, and very timely too.

No stress leaving home while Bianca was doing her "I'm almost done stuff"
This was funny. Have a nice trip.

Genious! Awesome planning!! I am so happy for you (and Bianca i imagine when you are all nerves it's also hard on her) 😁 Woohoo! #brazil

Thank you!

I always stay at a hotel near the airport on my way back from a trip, but I've never thought of doing it on the way out.

That's a great way to reduce the stress at the beginning.

Great Idea.

It worked well for me!

That was a great idea to book the hotel. It sounds like it worked out really well for you. I bet you are going to have a blast in Brasil. Bianca is probably super geeked to get you there and show you around :)

It worked out so well man, no stress. It's a first!

That's awesome. My niece almost missed a flight earlier this year because they got in a traffic jam on the way to the airport. Doing what you did would have saved them lots of stress!

That scenario is my worst nightmare. But no more :)

Safe travels @exyle. Good job choosing the restful travel option. 😊

Thank you!

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