"Can you cook?"

in #exyle5 years ago (edited)


My dad always told me since a young age, "If you ever find a girlfriend, the most important thing above ALL is that she can cook".

Haha, I will never forget it.

Considering my dad only learned to do his own cooking about 5 years ago I'm sure that must have been a major importance in his mind of 'a good girlfriend' back in the day.

But as it happened, I learned to cook at a young age, at first together with my mom (@clio), who taught me the basics and later I progressed myself by just experimenting.

I enjoyed it. I still do today.

When I met Bianca it therefore never occurred to me to ask her "Can you cook?"

To be honest, I'm not sure if I even would have a girlfriend if I dropped that question on the first date.

Bianca is a fairly progressive woman regarding that stuff.

But it doesn't mean my dad was entirely wrong about it.

As luck would have it (for me at least) Bianca can cook very well.

And like me, she enjoys it.

We got a 50/50 schedule running.

I cooked yesterday and that means she cooks today.

And that means sometimes I get treated to delicious Brazilian dishes that I never would have eaten otherwise.

Tonight she made something called "Moqueca de peixe".


It's fish in a creamy coconut sauce with rice and Farofa.

Not something that ever would occur to me to prepare.

It was delicious!

So, do I think that cooking is the most important aspect of a girlfriend?

LOL! no, not for me. I have different reasons. Much better ones! (I hope).

But is it a perk? Well, it's hard to deny it. It is :)

I loved tonight's food and tomorrow it's my turn again and I'll return the favor!

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As usual, Dad was right.
Without food, you won't last long, and having the split routine you have it gives both of you the chance to surprise the other,
As you get much older [ Dad's age plus] most of the other attractions you now have will have gone stale, be forgotten, but to have a surprise meal cooked for you, you can't beat it.

That looks pretty good! I've just finished my plate of gnocchi with gorgonzola and roasted walnuts. Yum!

Btw, is your whole family on Steemit? I just started following your mom :)

Lol, a few of them are on here, but not as active as me.

You are a lucky man! All of my ex-gf's would only cook for themselves or make very simple dishes like pasta.

Now I have to fend for myself and have gotten quite thin over the past several months just working and doing crypto most of the time. I keep telling my co-workers I need to find a nice plump gf to cook for me and fatten me up :-D!

I can cook too, but not any taster is brave enough to try my meals.

i am joking i know basic cooking and cook occasionally.
Because of Greek culture all cooking is done mostly by my wife.

the food looks delicious!!!

Yeah I can cook. I have to cook every single day. There's no 50/50 from my husband. But it's okay. He do other house chores.
The food looks really tasty.

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As long as there is balance! :)

My consideration was not so much if she can cook. Rather, I wanted to marry somebody who likes the same food I do. My wife and I are of the same heritage, so we tend to enjoy the same foods. They say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. I was very self aware in that respect.

They say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

Haha, we have the same saying in Dutch :)

Having lived alone for quite some time before I met my wife, I learned how to do pretty well on my own in the kitchen. I did luck out that my wife is a fantastic cook though. She is all into the meal prep and usually has everything ready for the week on the weekend before. Occasionally, I take over the reigns and take care of the meals for a week. I think it scares her a little when I do, but things always turn out okay.

Haha, she shouldn't be scared! She should enjoy the moment.

Well I can cook to an extent but to be honest, I am probably not good in cooking like that

She Treats you Very Well Mark @exyle

She does.

@exyle, Enjoy your turn brother. 😁

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