Transdimensional, telepathic, shape-shifting and AI (Artificial Intelligence) Part II or VI

in #extraterrestrial7 years ago (edited)

It seems Pleiadians and Reptoids are experts of deception. The ascended Pleiadians are very much working for a positive outcome for Earth and humanity. There is a Pleiadian council residing in Agartha but the Pleiadians working with the Secret Space Program ‘SSP’ are equally as corrupt as the human-reptilian hybrids that rule our planet.

One of the most advanced ET races monitoring Earth are Egyptian/African type in appearance, the hieroglyphics you see on the egyptian monuments show many of the early rulers. Also Mars is full of Egyptian type artifacts and to some extent pyramid like structures. There are many Guardians living in Agartha who were originally from Venus. The Venusians have lived on Mars during a previous epoch when the planet Maldek was lost and Mars was left in ruin. The surface dwellers of Venus included Tall Black or very dark skinned Holy men, medicine men and warriors. The At-lan area of the SE US was a major city of the Venusians. Across from the island known for being the center of great knowledge of medicine lived the Mandan indigenous people. After the fall of Atlantis many of the At-lans went into Agartha and they have a place within Agartha where they live. They choose their path of service which can include being one of the Guardian warriors. Sometimes a Guardian warrior is seen on surface Earth in an area near an entry-exit point. On the surface of our planet many of the Venusian and Venusian-Human hybrids continue to look after ancient artifacts, pass down knowledge of the medicinal plants and curative therapies. There are also light skinned Venusians and they also have integrated with Earth humans, these are often very creative and loving individuals. Often they are described as tall blonds but this is often incorrect. The Pleiadians, who are not to be trusted, appear as tall blonds. The Venutians who are tall blonds tend to avoid contact with surface Earth humans because of the Pleiadian deceptions. Many times we have had Venutians incarnate on Earth, the most notable in recent history by his own account was Nikoli Tesla.

The Tall Whites (Pleiadians - 3D or unascended Pleiadians) and white conehead extra- terrestrials (insectoids) deal with many of the Reptilian races and they take what they want including people, children, body parts, body fluids, animals and metals.


The Insectoid-Hybrids have been incorrectly referred to as reptilians. These conehead, bug-eyed beings are regarded as being very advanced, very intelligent and very aggressive in character. The Tall Whites or the pale skinned blue eyed Nordics are also very intelligent, however they seem to be very negative and show an attitude of being superior in character and their way of doing things is to always to serve themselves and the Orion Artificial Intelligence ‘AI’. The AI is clumsy and has been described as very tall, bulbous nosed blue bi-pedal and hairless. These AI are encased in a blue covering which is made from porpoise skin which is reinforced with a valtran graphene substance which can hold negative energy but is inefficient. The dark force energy leaks out of the blue AI suit and is returned to the cosmos. Reptilian skin from some reptilian species has been found to be much more efficient and reptilian DNA holds DNA code which grabs hold of luminescent energy and stores it in fat, endocrine and muscle tissue. This has resulted in the use of the reptilian DNA to create hybrid-human bloodlines. These bloodlines have become the uber rich and ruling elite on Earth.

Earth was fairly peaceful until the renegade Zeta-reticulan conehead insectoids arrived in our solar system and war arrived with it. We lost Atlantis and Lemuria. The African type race had to defend themselves, but these extraterrestrials had atomic weapon technology, so obviously the inhabitants of Earth had to surrender. It’s very similar to when the pilgrims conquered and destroyed the Native American Indian population and culture, but on a much bigger scale. Since then there has been an open and hidden foothold on the dark skinned race (African/Egyptian). However, the African-Venusian Guardians and Maasai continue to look after the greatest artifacts that remain on Earth. Even the determined German Thule could not locate or obtain the most valuable and powerful of these items.

The very first Kings and Queens of Earth were people of color and generally the DNA of this group is incompatible with the reptilian DNA coding for harnessing bio-luminescent energy (luteal phase esters, yellow oils released in the skin). The cone-head insectoids created human-reptoid hybrids and some of the hieroglyphs show the rulers of Egypt with human faces and cone shaped heads. The dark force plans to use AI to control Earth and all of the Earth resources. To consume the light energy, the soul energy and keep humans in a state of pain, depression, anxiety, fear. The race issue is merely another hostile weapon put to use for supremacy and separation.

The intelligent insectoids realized they could use the caucasoid race as host, since their bodies are simpler to invade mainly because there was not much melanin, which is certainly abundant in skin of color. This explains just why caucasians are abducted more than any other race on the planet, yet they are the minority. Even Though the road looks rough, the day of peace and kindness for everyone seems very close.

About the author
Sandra is a psychologist, teacher and autism expert who has written individualized diets for thousands of people around the world. Since 1994 she has been giving 'Sara's Diet' consultations for families affected by autism. Understanding how humanity is undergoing enormous changes in response to the environmental stresses of the modern world, she has seen how the immune system is undergoing a transformation in its function, leading to the explosion in chronic health conditions that effect us emotionally and physically.Along with her husband, Max Desorgher, she formed World Community Autism Program, and traveled the world to teach people about the relationship between diet, environment and well-being.

For more information on her autism work, visit her consultation page on the WCAP website:

'Little White Wolf, Medicine Woman'

Sandra is a life-long Experiencer of non-human multi-dimensional intelligent beings, that she encounters through the 'dream-state.

She has written two books on autism:

The Power of Exile. Autism, a journey to recovery

Autism, the Way Forward

Her most recent book has just been published as an e-book:

Meet the Ancients: Ascension Earth - Birth of a new Sun

Meet the Ancients came about as a result of my life experiences being taught in the dreamscape by the Mantid, the Guardian - my Guardian and one of the Ancients who know the history of Earth.


Do you know anything about the anunaki and great article btw come check mines out about being young and being a father

Yes, the most recent Anunnaki event took place about 6000 years ago. The Dagon or Fish Gods working with the Conehead black very tall Extraterrestrial Biological Entities. This has happened more than once in Earth and human history. Probably the best research has been done by Tellinger on the first time.

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