Is it possible to create a starship with current human technology?

It is also possible for mankind to reach the world in a coordinated way, to achieve perfect science and technology, to make stars possible, to make changes to the environment based on the original stellar foundation, and to create a artificial sun. These are the basis for future trends. The prehistoric civilizations of advanced humans But also the ancestors of mankind. When their science and technology are perfect, they control the solar system of small universes. This is all reality.
It is human nature to discover, invent and create human beings and, despite the financial problems with manned space missions, manned space technology will eventually develop. One day we will find a large-scale way to launch manned spacecraft. In this way, we can further explore the secrets of the universe.
Why create a spacecraft? The dramatic increase in population, the deterioration of the environment, the need for scientific research, and the unknown curiosity of human beings are enough to outline the reasons why scientists want to do so. Rachael explained that the spacecraft is a container, one that can sustain life and take life out of the solar system, and then delegate it to planets that can continue to multiply these lives. So, the question is not just how to make a spaceship that simple.
So if we do not consider the high cost, can we make a spacecraft?
The first thing that a spacecraft needs to solve is speed:
In order to increase the speed of spacecraft, scientists have proposed several design options and propulsion systems:
1, solar sail
The solar sail sounds fantastic, it's a propulsion system. Pressure is exerted by the momentum of the light, but the pressure from the sun is very small, but as long as there is enough sails and enough time to drive the starship.
2, nuclear rocket
Nuclear rocket sounds a bit dangerous. In a series of experiments in the 1950s and 1960s, the vows related to the rockets failed because they were too unstable and complex to handle. Scientists have proposed the use of atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs instead of reactors to power spacecraft. Some physicists estimate that a 800-megaton spacecraft carrying out a flight in the solar system will need about 1,000 hydrogen bombs to provide power, which is a very good figure.
3, stamping jet fusion
This way is to imagine the fusion engine like a normal jet engine. The ramjet engine produces thrust by drawing in front of the air, mixing with the fuel, and igniting a chemical explosion of the air and fuel mixture. Stamping Jet Fusion is the suction of interstellar hydrogen, and in theory the hydrogen in space is inexhaustible, so the ramjet fusion engine can run permanently.
4, anti-material rocket
Antimatter is the most powerful source of energy in space and uses antimatter to power spacecraft. Antimatter is the antithesis of matter, with anti-charge. It will be destroyed when it comes in contact with ordinary substances.
If the power problem is not solved, it is empty shell, nothing to use
Then is the space jump technology
Spatial jump is the use of ultra-high technology to tear the space forcibly change the space coordinates, the wormhole principle is also true, but the wormhole space tearing more stable, but in the future there will be a sudden emergence of wormhole or Is a wormhole suddenly appeared or disappeared.4.jpg
Finally, the loaded weapon system
1, the captain of the giant guns, large guns / particle guns, the use of accelerated solid artillery shell, the projectile accelerated to a very high rate of injection, a moderate range, lethality huge (too far away, the enemy ships move fast, it is possible to fight Not in)
2, beam gun, the use of laser heat penetrate the enemy armor, but also used to air defense, long-range attack, limited lethality (too far, then the beam will diverge, thus losing power)
3, the main gun, the same as the first gun with the same principle, physical shells, but the equivalent of small shells, short range, close range attacks, a huge lethality
4, tracking missiles (including torpedoes), near bombs, for long-range attacks, as well as close defense of the enemy's carrier-based aircraft attack, lethal, but easily intercepted
5, carrier-based aircraft, front anti-missile force, with a miniature laser gun for enemy missiles and small carrier-based aircraft, because the body is too small to pose enough threat to the warships.
Spacecraft detection equipment
1, the radar, in space due to the attenuation of electromagnetic waves as the distance, the radar's efficiency will be very poor, suitable for near-mid-range enemy
2, optical telescope, the United States in the 1990s, 1-meter aperture telescope can observe 500 light-seconds outside the small objects of a hundred meters in space there is no line of sight interference, optical telescope powerful predatory effect will significantly affect the interstellar spacecraft confrontation Tactical development
It seems that the current technology from mankind to create a star spacecraft in the foreseeable future.

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