La Rural - Farm an Herds Expo #1 - Holy Sheep Shirts

in #expo6 years ago

Since the meet up last week, I was invited by @pdc to head out to the Farm and Ranching exposition.

Sheep is the theme for the start of your virtual tour.

shops of all kinds

We are going to see animals; the best breeders in sheep, chickens, cattle, horses and the like. I had sent a steepshot from the expo, and now want to give you some the rest of what I experienced there.

Here is part of the sheep judging.

They were far and wide.


sponge bob.jpg

There were five buildings


This is the one that covered sheep, goats, llamas and pigs. I was looking forward to the piglets. None to be found.

I have never seen a group of people take more meticulous care of their animals. The kids had a great time, and the rain didn't stop the show.

Outside there is an arena build in 1866, photos and video to come.

I hope to bring some of my better impressions of food, far away lands, and even farm machinery.

I hope you find this series interesting and comment if you have something to say.




Aquí en venezuela en las ferias se hacían expo de toda variedad de ganado de doble propósito, para leche y carne!

Excelente estar en una feria así. En Paraguay la Expo Mariano Roque Alonso reúne a los mejores exponentes . Pero así solo de ganadería nunca he visitado y veo por las fotos que está buenísimo.

Las ferias de ganadería son lo mejor hay uno puede conocer los tipos de animales y muchas cosas mas

Wonderfull photos and very good explanation. Our "exposición rural" is a big expo since 1875.

Parece que las tienen bien cuidadas, se nota en el brillo de la lana. Y la forma como escribes se nota que la pasaste bien ahí, gracias por compartir tu experiencia con nosotros!

Animales de exhibición, es un atractivo para los espectadores.

The picture of the gallery is very beautiful, my friend
You've done a great article

excellent tour I liked a lot and the sheep looks really good and a very good insurance should be costly good at the price change and I did not know that events of that type were very similar to the canines thank you for sharing your experience with us lived

Wao se ve muy bien, siempre en las ferias de aquí Venezuela traen a los mejores ganados del país, siempre paso por allí para ver a los mas exagerados me gusta mucho este tipo de exposición 😘
Saludos 😍

Wow never seen something like this interesting place

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