EXPLOSION Port Authority -- 2 Blocks from my APARTMENT!!!

in #explosion7 years ago (edited)


nyc bus explosion.png.jpeg

An explosion has gone off at Port Authority a few minutes ago -- but from what I can gather it is closer to 43rd st and 8th ave -- that is MY CORNER!!! That is where I get on the subway almost daily (a couple of times a day. We have not been told if the "pipe bomb" which they think the device was exploded in the A, C, and E subway line underground or if it went off in front of the entrance to the Port Authority on 41 st St and 8th ave.


The explosion happened at about 7:25 am.., and since the police and other emergency vehicles sirens have been non-stop… This specific part of NYC is packed with people commuting to work at this time of the morning.., and where I normally run out for my morning coffee -- there are 3 different Starbucks all within 2 blocks and whichever is least crowded I either pop in for coffee or if I ran out of cream, I run in and grab some to bring home -- 1 block away!

(that's my corner)

The Port Authority itself has been evacuated and there are National Guard everywhere… And the subways are also being evacuated (A, C, E, 1, 2, 3 lines), all buses (a massive amount of them) are all being rerouted to the bus yard on 40th st…

I walk by every spot they think this explosion went off numerous times a day.., and would have been out there if I didn't just pick up a fresh batch of coffee yesterday. And when I do go out in my neighborhood, I regularly see military type humvees parked out back of Port Authority and police geared-up with M-16's looking like a full-on Swat team, right on my corner.

The bomb is now being reported to have been found on the subway platform -- GREAT.., the damn subway I take constantly (even though device sucks these days, besides walking it is the best way to around). My corner is packed with on-lookers and media reporting on the scene.., and my neighbors are freaking out this happened right down the street.

I just ran up to my roof and there are a massive amount of people walking down my street (W.43rd St), as 42nd St has been shut down… New Yorkers on the most part are not phased by much -- but an incident like this brings everyone back to the morning of Sept 11 and people get a little more freaked-out!

It sounds like the device (pipe bomb) was actually strapped on his body (suicide vest) and went off prematurely on the platform of the subway… If you have never been in NYC at morning rush-hour the subway platforms and subway cars are jam-packed, it is not very pleasant.., now throw in an explosion -- and it is pure chaos!

(the supposed bomber)

It seems the only person injured was the bomber -- JACKASS!!! And has been taken into custody.., and was a resident of Brooklyn for the past 7 years. The Bangladeshi national, a 27 year old man, set off an homemade explosive device in the name of ISIS, in a passageway leading to the A,C, E (my trains) are the latest reports.

Besides all the commuter this time every morning, NYC is packed with tourists in this neighborhood, especially this time of year.

What sounds like a failed attempt.., could have been devastating. There have been reports of a stampede the moment right after the bomb exploded, but still no civilian injuries. But this spot must have been targeted because of the potential for mass casualties that could have been carried out. And even with all the supposed security -- cops everywhere in this neighborhood, cameras on every corner, eyes in the sky -- it is impossible to stop an attack of this nature.

If you are in NYC, do yourself a favor and stay away from the Times Square area and stay off the subways -- they will be a mess. And be safe!


Dang, some crazyness that could have been much worse. I'm sure its a mess now but hopefully things get back to normal soon. Stay safe!

It could have been a HUGE mess... The subways, especially at rush hour are such an easy target!

It's very sad when there are such crazy people, I believe that science will find a solution to remedy the illness of the mind as early as the younger years.
I hope that nothing bad will happen during the holidays.

The holidays are always a target -- I hope nothing happens, too!
Thanks for the comment @dobartim

whattt this is not good to hear hope everything is under control by now

Not good at all.., but things are under control.

pheww good to hear that atleast

I'm glad that you're safe and sound. You are sound, yes?

Im as sound as could be expected -- Im good... It is awful when events like this happen anywhere.., but it really pisses me off when it happens in my own backyard. I can't tell you how many times I've walked by the exact spot of the explosion... Thanks for checking in... :))

i hope you are safe and secure so sad to hear this

Im all good... It's just so sad we have to deal with this kind of thing!
Thanks @cutiepie

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