Current 'Gene Therapy Technology' does not fit the definition of...:

in #experimental4 years ago

A Blatant example of how we've been infected by the 'Social Dilemma' or what I like to call 'The Digital Dark Age' is the clear misinformation and corporate sponsorship of social media (to the extend that Journalism itself has been infected) is in the mislabeling of the Experimental ‘Gene Therapy Technology’ (Moderna and Pfizer's term) as a 'Vaccine'

The skeptical part of us and critical thinking part of our brain need some nutrients more than ever for this bombardment of impartial information mixed with confused emotionally charged sound bites from the current mixed up media. (I felt it important to share what I am witnessing/experiencing instead of being silent about it, ie I am open to a different perspective)

It's Vital and Critical that people be informed

This current bombardment with false information from the media is a non-partisan issue and this 'Vaccine' issue seems to be at the forefront. I point out some incongruencies that highlight my issue: (please discuss specific issues if you see any with my sightings, and point out or enlighten me specifically where I am incorrect) See footnotes where I received my Info:

1: Moderna and Pfizer have defined what is being called a "Vaccine" as a Gene Therapy Technology (Their definition) ¹

(from my understanding, this is akin to Prophylactic Chemotherapy)
This is where a Synthetic Fragment of Nucleic Acid (Not MRNA) is inserted within a 'fat carrier' in the introduction to the cell

This "Gene Therapy Technology" is - NOT intended for immunity from infection of the SARS-CoV-2 & NOT to block its Transmission either.
So my IMPORTANT POINT here is that this Gene Therapy Technology does not even fit the definition of a Vaccine. ²

And again to my point then, WHY is it being called a 'Vaccine" if it doesn't meet the definition?

NOTE: (Yes we want to use modern science to help us combat the pandemic, yet this does not mean ignoring data and cherry-picking what you 'wish' is true.)

Vaccine Definition by CDC:
1: Immunity protection from an infectious disease
2: A product that stimulates a person immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease
Vaccine Definition by Iowa CODE:
Vaccine: A Specially prepared antigen administered to a person for the purpose of providing immunity
Vaccine Definition by Washington State:
Preparation of a killed or attenuated living microorganism or fraction thereof upon administration stimulates immunity that protects us against a disease that is approved by FDA as safe and effective

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