
muhaha perfect, I have successfully started another upvote vortex of irresistable clickability, to run alongside of SoS upvote vortex!


No one likes to do what they're told, I thought this would be an interesting experiment.

I want to push the vote button so damn badly right now but guess what? I am just going to stuff my face with cookies and forget about all the problems in the world and forget about this post........ I shall return and up vote in about 1 min.... I know myself

Lol. We are but weak, we humans.

You can just remove your vote now though and you win..

No, I did that vote with my mind filled with bad bad BAD ... Not going there! It stays! I lose and I am proud!

No, I did that vote with my mind filled with bad bad BAD ... Not going there!

Go there.

You never said I couldn't comment.


Of course, not. I love comments.

But by commenting, you still didn't upvote, just as I told you not to. Good boy. lol..

I was waiting for someone to upvote, then remove their upvote. That's the only way I can see to avoid obeying the order and still not technically upvote the post.

Aaah, that makes sense.

There's a word for that. Strength.

Compliance. ; )

I just had to upvote....

ARGH! I want to upvote...
Perhaps now you know who the bots are?

Right. I've seen some people complain about the bots... and then they go repeat exactly what the bots do. :P

I hadn't considered that, but I guess this could be a double-purpose experiment...

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