Erupting with.. bodge eggnog.

in #experiment2 years ago


In times of scarcity, we will become more creative and innovative. Some of us do see those times coming, so in relative dire straits tonight, I experimented.

I just watched a sappy movie on Netflix, that actually teared me up a bit, because sometimes I just like to do that. Releasing tears, sad or happy, are balms for the soul.

So, after the movie, getting close to considering going to bed, I had a craving for an eggnog and brandy, something soothing, something heavy, something sweet, something holidayish!

I not only didn't have any eggnog in the house, I also had no brandy. So I foraged my cupboards. I found a bit of vodka, and some "organic raw blue agave" and some still not spoiled milk in the fridge. I made a mock eggnog and brandy drink, and it is not all that bad!

There really ain't no moral to this story. Just having fun telling it.

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