Expectations | Are you disappointed?

in #expectations7 years ago

We all have certain expectations in our lives. From others, from our family, from our jobs even from Steemit. We expect our needs to be satisfied and to receive the same attention that we offer.

But if we have too many expectations, life can bring us unpleasant surprises and disappointments.


In fact, maybe it is normal for you to have certain expectations. You know that it is normal, or you are copying the model in which you grew up. If your parents expected you to pursue the same career as they did, maybe you also expect your own child to follow the same career as you.

And that means you're damaging your child's freedom. You were not born to please anybody. But in the same way, your child was not born to please you, his grandparents or someone else.

You have too much expectations because you are willing to give too much.

Maybe you have heard replies such as:

You have too much expectation from others.

First of all, this kind of replies are evidence of the fact that the person you're talking with is incapable of empathizing with you. He can not understand what it means to give without receiving anything.

You can have big expectations from others, but do not forget to have big expectations from yourself.

The alternative is to have 0 expectations. Let's take things as they come, accept the reality and decisions of others. And what helps us is first and foremost the understanding that if I do not find it normal for others to have expectations from me, but to live my life in my terms, then it is also not normal for me to have expectations from others.

Man's purpose in the world is not to please someone else, not even parents or life partner.

Are there situations where the expectations are good?

Yes. The expectations from me are good, the expectations from others are not good. From me I need to have expectations to become better in what I am and what I am doing in order to self-defeat and increase my potential.

Do you have more expectations from you or from others?



I always have expectations on myself but very rarely on others except if it is a normal thing or something usual.

If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome.

We all want to progress and grow that is human nature. Having no expectations and being dependent on nothing is how we release all ego and negative emotions from arising. Great post bro!

I expect less from others maybe that's me anyway. I've learned that a long time when all I got from people was disappointment. An example to that is my uncle's sudden reluctant to fund my education. I was young, 13 when I had lived with him until age 17 when I had to make decision for myself.
He had promised to be everything and provide all I need in life. He changed, turned wild. I barely get breakfast much less of of expecting dinner. I had to decide for myself and left him unnoticed. I realised much is expected from me to achieve all I ever dreamt of.

Thanks for this post. It encourages me more.

Amazing post and narrative.
Thanks for sharing such great post with us!

You can have big expectations from others, but do not forget to have big expectations from yourself.....100% Right man.

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yes you r right @jwolf, that so many expectations is not so good, if your expectations does not fulfill then your heart will broke as also your confidence level ruined badly. we should behave normal during these conditions, nice post about that issue.

It is always good to have expectations in life.
Expectations give us direction.

We should expect a lot from ourselves.

We need to accept that life most times happens to derail some of our expectations.

Always strive to meet our targets,if you missed you targets for this week,move on and prepare for the next week.

Yes - I expect way too much of myself sometimes.

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