Dear Friends!

in #exolover4 years ago

We are glad to inform you that work on the project is in the active phase of the implementation of the MVP version.

The MVP version contains three devices: one ExoWand, one ExoThrust, and Master Module.

To confirm theExoLover hypotheses, the MVP version of the application will contain around 200 porn video scenes and some of then synchronized with devices for testing prototypes.

As part of the monetization of the project, a blockchain billing module will be implemented for carrying out transactions during connections and service for replenishing connections.

A Reward Fund will also be implemented where users can win up to 150% of tokens of the amount spent on the connection. That's why the first release of the project will be released under the slogan “Watch porn and make money”.

Currently state of completion:

The MVP version for Android is 50% ready. The first part with registration screens is under testing and works with real Etherium environment and creates a real User’s accounts.

Test of the first version of PCB is completed now. Some minor defects and malfunctions been discovered. Revised second version of PCB hardware is manufacturing now. The test screens (Demo BLE) been developed for the motors test on the software side.

The blockchain billing module is ready, deployed in a test environment and been tested in the Ethereum Ecosystem with registration part of Mobile App.

We are aware of the fact that the absence of any news breeds suspicion about the absence of the project itself. Recently, in some groups, we are seeing messages that our project is a scam. We are responding to this subscribers’ disappointment with restraint understanding the impatience.

Unfortunately, the development of the project is tedious and exacting and as such the time being taken is objectively justified by the complexity of the project. A very few significant amount of work has been realized during quite a long period of time as there is on-going developmental and implementation work being undertaken to the hardware, the product design and the functionality of the MVP version of the application.







We anticipate that the process of testing prototypes will take another two months, we trust your understanding and further patience as we complete the MVP version.

Victor Ubugunov

Founder – CEO

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