My existence is a direct result of Hitler and the Nazi's - What's your family history?

in #existential8 years ago

Hello! I'm completely new to the Steem community, I wanted to share this quick story and try to start an interesting discussion about family history.

So here's how the Nazi's are directly responsible for my existence...

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My Grandma was born in 1923 in Danzig, a semi-autonomous city-state that existed between 1920 and 1939 which after the Nazi invasion of Poland was abolished and incorporated into the Third Reich.

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I'm sure it won't surprise any of you that many Poles and Jews were treated like subhumans by the Nazi's and were either forced to work or killed.

Now luckily my Grandmother's family were not Jewish and thus avoided being sent to die in concentration camps like many thousands were. However, the chain of events that led to me being here, writing this post began when,

She encountered Hitler in the flesh...

I only ever heard this story once, when I was around 7 or 8 years old. She didn't speak much about her tumultuous youth during the war, which is understandable considering the trauma she must have experienced.

Nevertheless, when she was a schoolgirl and Danzig was under Nazi control, Hitler and his cronies were passing through town. All the children at her school were forced to line up on the road and give the salute as Hitler drove by. I can only imagine how chilling this must have been.

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Not long after, like many other school leavers, she was sent to work in a factory sowing Nazi uniforms, where she was regularly beaten senseless and treated inhumanely (the workers would have their heads shaved in an attempt to control lice infestations). She was beaten so severely that she was left unable to have children as a result.

Many years later, after the war was over she immigrated to England, met her husband, and due to her inability to have children of her own, adopted a daughter. My mum.

Consequently, my mother grew up and 29 years later gave birth to me. Although it sickens me that my Grandmother who I loved dearly was subjected to such grossly inhumane treatment, it is interesting to think that the chain of events that led to my existence can be traced back to an actual encounter with Hitler and Nazi mistreatment in general.

I bet there's hundreds of amazing stories among this community about unique family histories. Lets hear them!

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