Taupo Ultra Marathon, I promise it was 50k

in #exhaust6 years ago (edited)

I just finished a 45.217km run that lasted about 5hh:40mm:29ss !


The photo is of me and my girlfriend on the bus heading the to start of the 50km race

Well, that is my first official ultra marathon done. Writing about it one day after it happened, I can honestly say I am glad I did it, but not sure I will do another one. I am not sure if it has just been a big year with probably too many marathons but, I am looking forward to some shorter races over the summer. The race itself is in its third year and has grown substantially with some other race cancellations happening.


The event boasts a 100km, 74km, 50km and 24km over some pretty rough terrain. The climbs themselves are not too steep but they do go on for what seems to be like 45 minutes at some points and with the weather being relatively stable over the past few weeks there was almost no mud under foot.

"Don't be a hero for the first half of the run, and don't be a pussy for the second half of the run"

Someone mentioned that to me on the way to the start and it stuck with me. The plan had always been to conserve energy and finish strong and it couldn't have played out better. I stayed back in the pack for the first half, and made sure I ate at the half way point and the felt strong for the second half of the race. The final 14km were a bit concerning as I was feeling good, I was worried the wheels were going to fall off in the last few kilometers but the above quote kept rolling through my head keeping me moving forward.


The actual race was organized really well with fully stocked aid stations every 10km or so, the course was pretty spectacular as well, with most of the course open to the public as walking trails, it is worth checking it out even if you don't plan on doing the race. If I have any criticism about the race, I would say the organizers were very strict about compulsory gear, which I know is a safety issue, but I think I little discretion could be shown, I also think the finish line could have had a little more food for finishers.

Race details can be found on strava: https://www.strava.com/activities/1901071988

Help me in testing out EXHAUST soon!


I'm eating spaghetti now for my first Marathon.

Haha, good luck and happy carb loading.

Great effort. Happy recovery!

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Thanks mate, hopefully wont be hurting for much longer

Very impressive, Congratulations.

Well done. Running 50km in one go sounds really hard. I hope you don't have (too much) death by DOMS for the next week following.

I am surprisingly good, already handling stairs and easy walks ok. My girlfriend is struggling a little though. I was doing a bit of weight training in the lead up which I think helped.

Huge run, Vince! That's outta control! I always ignorantly think to myself that "50k isn't THAT much further than 42.2km...." but then I look at the hills that are in one of these Ultras, and become immediately intimidated. Good work!

Yeah, the hills are pretty crazy and it really slows you down. But it was great to get out in the NZ wilderness for it.

Without a doubt!

Good job dude -- huge effort.

No need to be a masochist to run well... but a bit of pain could make you stronger. ;)

Resteemed by @runningproject

Congratulations on a strong finish!

Excellent dude!!!! you are a running beast!!!
I did race as well today, shorter ;-)

Hey, this is an excellent achievement. Bravo!

I don't believe you when you say that you are not sure about your next ultra. It will happen, don't worry 😀👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Well done dude!

I so wanted to do the 100km this year, but after the WUU2K my legs just weren't up to it.

Proud of you for crushing the 50km though. And yu managed to do something that still eludes me - taking it easy in the first half of the race. I STILL can't get that right hehehe.

Now that you've had a taste of it, I'm sure you'll come back for more. Maybe not for a while, but there is always next year.

The WUU2k is only a couple of kms longer... You could do that easily. Come on down to Welly in winter. ;-)

Haha, I know what you mean...Its definitely a lot different to racing marathons or shorter distances. It was tough but I found it pretty enjoyable as well. I guess we will have to see if I end up taking on some more.
Regards @run.vince.run

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