A Week of Minor Updates

in #exhaust6 years ago

State of Exhaustion

Monday -- November 19th, 2018

Welcome back, one and all. This post is intended to be a brief update on how the EXHAUST system is progressing, and an informal ramble about how things are going. Last week was a pretty minor week in terms of what did or didn't get added to the project -- they can't all be huge weeks. To be honest, my actual job kicked back into a high gear, so I didn't have a lot of energy left over to plug away on EXHAUST -- but I'm starting to feel rejuvenated by all the people that are out there tryin' hard!


Minor Updates:

  • EXHAUST FAQ is now live thanks to @run.vince.run!;
  • We've got some fancy new graphs (that are throwing some funky errors);
    • This will help out with some cooler analysis, and the ability to post to steem shortly!
  • We've made it clearer that there's an additional step to create the Steem post after uploading an activity (the button is now big and red);
  • I'm sure there's more stuff to talk about, but that's fine. More updates to come soon!

Some Good Reads!

Finding some articles worth sharing has been a bit harder than I anticipated -- I'll chalk it up to the fact that people aren't as excited about Steem when it's only worth $0.50, rather than $1+ like before. Oh well -- to those that are consistent and reliable go the spoils! We've shared some great artciles like:

Keep on sharing your stories and thoughts -- we're on the lookout for great stuff to feature on the site!

Another Round of Payouts

I gotta say -- it's exciting to see people getting paid for getting a little bit of exercise. I'll admit that it's not much, but it's not too shabby considering things are just starting out and there's only a dozen or so people using the site. Come one come all! Lets do this! With more usership, we can turn EXHAUST into a monster that pays people to be active!

What's Around the Corner?

  • I'm going to shift gears and get a calendar system working so users can schedule their training (and see how much they can earn by sticking to it) -- and some other cool calendar features;
  • I'm going to spend some time developing the achievements system!
  • I'm going to spend some time getting mapping to finally work, now that I've rejigged the backend JS to the site;
  • I'm going to spend some time getting back into exercising myself, rather than hunching over my laptop in all my spare time. Forgive me!

Be Good to Yourselves! Get Exhausted!


I do love that the Exhaust payout system recognises Vince for the run-devil he is!

All these updates are amazing... people probably don't realise that as well as these updates, you're constantly helping the rest of us out as we create problems left and right on the platform... it's cat-herding at it's best and you're doing a bang up job of it.

Also... I was thinking about my previous concerns about maps and our security if Steem mooned, and the more I think about it, the less of an issue it really is.... it's that 13 week powerdown, and the general technical complexity of trying to rob people of their WIPs, etc. So, ah... map away!

It's reassuring to know that at least one of us isn't ruthless enough to kidnap someone for 13 weeks.

Keeping that on the DL for an entire SEASON is cray cray.

Just finished some aesthetics for the site (WHAT UP, FOOTER!?) -- so now I'm hoping to flip back to working on stuff that people might actually think is cool. hahaha

Very good work man! Keep on running!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Btw, would be good to have the chance to add more tags at exhaust...I would use #runningproject as well

Posted using Partiko iOS

It is a very good system indeed. Btw thanks for sharing my post, appreciate it.💪💪

Posted using Partiko Android

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