Running in the countryside with "my" dogs... | Correre in campagna con i cani...

in #exhaust5 years ago

Yesterday in the afternoonI finished a 8.127km running that lasted about 0hh:55mm:48ss !


After a week full of other commitments, yesterday I went out with the dogs for a nice run in the countryside.
Late afternoon had perfect conditions: clear sun but not too hot.
I ran wearing the fivefinger spyridon: ideal for rough terrain.
I took the picture of @holydog + @bdog and persimmons (ripening) on Saturday during another walk in the countryside.

Do you love persimmons?


Dopo una settimana piena di altri impegni, ieri sono uscito assieme ai cani per una bella corsa in campagna.
Il tardo pomeriggio presentava condizioni perfette: limpido sole ma non eccessivamente caldo.
Ho corso indossando le fivefinger spyridon: ideali per terreni sconnessi.
La foto dei cani ( @holydog + @bdog) e dei cachi (in maturazione) le ho scattate sabato durante un'altra passeggiata in campagna.

Ti piacciono i cachi?



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You have uploaded 19 running activities, and 6 of them have been of similar distances (within 10 percent)!
Here are your 5-fastest running activities of a similar distance:

Over these 6 similar activities, you have travelled approximately 50.26 kms at an average pace of roughly 6:49 min/km!
Your latest run was at a pace of approximately 6.865min/km!
Looks like you went a bit slower this time! Remember that it's important to take some rest days, and do some rehab / prehab / strength and conditioning training too! If you weren't intending to go slower, take a moment to listen to your body, and see if you need something. Check in with yourself!

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