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RE: Ramping Up The Next Exercise Phase To Cut Up - Recently Lost ~10 Pounds

in #exercise5 years ago (edited)

Hah, I'm impressed that you remember that one and could even spot a difference. I did it all backwards vs your plan. I built up first and am trimming down second. I prefer it that way for some reason. I was still in good shape before, but I had no interest in being toned while powering up.

I vote that you don't wait for August. Do both now. Double the work, triple the rewards.

My eating is a bit unique. I usually eat most of my calories from the late afternoon onward. I don't really have a traditional breakfast or lunch. When I do eat, it's very protein rich and low carbs. Any carbs are most often whole wheat. My "cheat" food is humus with wheat crackers, and my "cheat" drink is orange juice with 50% reduced sugar. I barely have dairy anymore outside of eggs or a little greek yogurt. One of my most common snacks is 8 eggs cooked in olive oil. It never gets old. My metabolism is strong, so I don't need to do this, but I lose weight quickly when I do.

You may not need to adjust to run a lot or have less meals. Try to rework what you're eating first and see how that helps.


My schedule won't allow me to he too picky about what I eat. I eat carb based meals with some protein in the form of meat(most Nigerian meals are like that) but I burn most of it and feel hungry as hell in a short space of time. I must eat breakfast, must.
I also find fruits and vegetables to be very useful and they have paid off.

My schedule won't permit me do both trimming and bodybuilding but by August, I'll have more time to, will do both then. I'll do bodybuilding exercises at home though; push ups etc.
Thanks for the advice, I'll do more running, I have shitty metabolism, my body accumulates fat really easily.

I also haven't checked my weight in a while. I was 83kg last time I checked, will update the outcome after I check.

Push-ups and air squats every day can be a way to build momentum and increase your metabolism while you wait for August.

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