
But it's good pain! Use it or lose in Gillian, even a light stretch and a good walk will do :)

Yep. I know. I think I've already lost it for the most part.

I realised just how much when we climbed a tower at a National Trust property a couple of weeks ago. My legs were like jelly by the time I got back down.

Problem is I do walk quite a bit but it's completely flat around here. I hadn't realised just how much that was taking a toll on my leg strength. I did got for a few cycles this summer though. (although again that was on the flat). And, since the sad tower incident we have been on a couple of walks through woodlands and on rougher paths.

It's hard though if it's not a part of my daily life. I need to live somewhere with more hills!

Up an down the stairs 10 times a day should do it :)

It definitely makes a difference though where you live and well, you shouldn't live in such a posh area of the country! :P

Ah yeah. I forgot about the stairs. We have particularly steep ones and when we got home after the tower incident I decided to switch to walking up them 2 at a time. Too hard so I gave up. Didn't think to go back to doing them one at a time for multiple times. I'll give it a go. 😁

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