Excuses are like exit signs on the road of progress.

in #excuses3 years ago

Have you ever seen a big stop sign that tells you that there is no forward after this. Maybe there is a big cliff behind the sign... but no matter what, if you reach it and keep on walking or driving after it, you will get into trouble!

If you want to experience progress and grow in your life, then this is a quote you should take to your heart. What does it say? Read it once again!

Excuses are like exit signs on the road of progress.

If you meat someone who only can come up with excuses, you might speak to them for some minutes more, but I would probably not recommend hiring the person. Why? Because a person only making excuses is most likely not progressing, but just searching for someone and something to blame all the time instead. Instead of making excuses, try to learn from the mistakes and say what you would do differently next time. And at the same time, if you have done a mistake, do not be afraid to admit it.

And once again, even though what happened actually was caused by a mistake of other people, don't stay bitter and don't make excuses. Learn from the mistake, and do your best to make sure that it will not happen to you or to those around you once again!

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