When folks who are interested in your opportunity say they have no money

in #excuses7 years ago

Have you ever wanted something so bad you will save for it, budget for it, borrow to get it, do everything you can to have it.

It can be for a new video game, a one in a lifetime concert, a new pair of shoes, that big screen tv set you been dying for.


But when it comes to a home business you are interested in and know it can help you achieve what you desire, instead your excuse is I don't have the money right now.

To me your excuse literally means:

#1) I don't know, it may work out but I am afraid of doing something new
#2) I don't know I don't really know you well enough to trust what you are saying, don't know if you will make a good sponsor
#3) I don't know, I tried everything in the past but failed, I am afraid I will fail in this too
#4) I don't know I really want to do this but I got my 5 other jobs that barely pay enough, my 9 kids who keep me busy, I want to watch my tv at night, I am too tired after coming home from work, got to walk my dogs, need my sleep, etc
#5) I don't know I am in a hurry to make money and this looks like something that could take a long time to do
#6) I don't know i will actually have to do some work on top of my 5 jobs i already have
#7) I don't know, my life right now is okay, what if this does work out what will happen to my life
#8) I don't know, now I got to find a way to get the money, that means giving up on my loving fast food, those cigarettes that I truly need, don't forget my beer, now I will have to give up on the saturday night partying money with my friends, I don't know
#9) I don't know you mean I have to pay to join an opportunity, at my job I didn't pay money to work, what you mean I got to fork over money to start this business, I think I will pass
#10) I don't know, the opportunity looks interesting but somewhat complicated.
#11) I don't know, you mean I got to watch some webinars and videos and give up my free time to learn this, all I want to do is join something and make money, am I asking too much.
#12) Aint that a pyramid scheme, I heard from my uncle bob joe that it one of these schemes. It looks like one of thar schemes so it is.
#13) I will just tell him I don't have the money so he leaves me alone. I was just looking for info on opportunities and I was looking for one that was free and doesn't involve money to get started. Maybe by me saying this he won't bother me again.


Have I hit on many of the excuses to the money thing. All I am saying is if you are truly interested in something don't let your darn excuses get in the way of you trying to succeed in life. Money of all excuses is in some ways weak. If you want something you will find a way if not today soon. Trust me if you had 5 days before you are about to get evicted and you needed $400 for the rent money, you would find a way to get this money within 5 days. So same with these opportunities if you so destine to be in one you are interested in too.



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Excellent post my friend, you got my resteem ;)

thank you very much

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