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in #exclusive7 years ago (edited)

15 min. read. Highly Valuable Content! Resteem and read when available.

Exclusive Email Conversation with FoodCoin Founder
Mike Meytin

This is a brilliant conversation with Mike Meytin (founder of 1000 Eco Farms and FoodCoin).

Hopefully, These ideas are as good as I think they are, and FoodCoin extract the brilliance, and implements them into their FoodBaby. XD

Oh God I'm so full

If you wish to create a free account to earn the highest bonus possible during their ICO, the affiliate link is located at the end of this article XD



The web analytics guru, named Clif High. I've attached his $99 report; my gift to you.

I've allocated 50% of my team to make our "FoodCoin Affiliate Campaign" their #1 priority over these next few days, continuing through next weekend. The "TypeForm" will actually be a Google Forms. We'll share the analytics page with you as soon as it's built. We will ask for crypto's of choice, and expected investment amount $:D$.

That being said, I'm planning a Post Interview Review. In this review, I will begin to dig down into some deeper questions. I would like to run a few comments by you before recording that video TOPICS WE SHOULD DISCUSS:

  1. This is a functioning business, creating a crypto coin to enhance transactions on their business. So the value of FoodCoin should take into consider the proposed value to 1000 Ecofarms.
  2. That being said, it's pretty disheartening as a speculator to conclude that your PreICO & ICO fundraising will have not cap / ceiling to the amount fundraised. It could signal a price drop if:
    1. 1000 EcoFarms + FoodCoin = $100,000,000+ valuation
    2. Coins get distributed
    3. The market infrastructure isn't capable of upholding ~$10,000,000 FdC circulating in the markets, and FdC sinks down to $30,000,000 market cap

    So please do the speculators a favor, and budget your PreICO accordingly. Only acquire what you NEED to avoid gluttony and disappointment accomplices.

    My Advice: Establish a cap for this PreICO that will cancel the ICO. How much can you efficiently spend over the next 15 months?

  3. FdC will be like the Ether ICO, in this sense, right?:
    1. The amount raised in the ICO determines the supply of the coin.
    2. UNLIKE Ether:
      1. There will be 0% inflation, right?
  4. This is a coin built ON Ethereum, correct?


This week, I spoke with a farmer named, David Larañaga, who spoke of the rise and fall of "Barter Tokens" some years back. It started great! Until the central authority (a group of ignorant Mormon Utahns) abused their central powers and hyperinflated the supply until nobody wanted the tokens anymore. They could've obtain world domination. You could easily abuse your powers by making the same mistakes. POSITION THE SMART CONTRACTS TO ELIMINATE THE FUD IN YOUR CURRENCY BEING MANIPULATED. YOU CAN HOLD MUCH POWER WITH A SUCCESSFUL FUTURE. BE WISE. DO NOT ABUSE YOUR POWERS VIA GREED AND/OR NEGLECT.

To Win the Crowd:

  1. Guarantee that you won't (because you CAN'T [ smart contract / escrow your own stash ]) dump FdC from your stash for - at least - 12 months after wallet distribution.
  2. Suggestion to ensure you don't NEED to sell that InHouse FdC:
    1. Participate in your own sale! Have 1000 EcoFarms buy its own personal tradable stash of FdC, and sell when the demand for FdC gets too hot.
    2. Using an external ally's affiliate would build strength. :D

Last Note:

I think you'll need an upgraded FdC logo... Orange Steel doesn't quite sell the proper brand... CRYPTO VS METALS LLC is willing to outsource this work for $0 down, if you're interested.

All the best,

Setting ceiling benchmarks for investors to reach will bring enthusiasm from FoodCoin that it's trustworthy, and the founders are great to support.


  • At $100,000, we will cancel our formal ICO.
  • At $1,000,000 we will increase the investor's equity pool from 9% to 33%.


some very good ideas, thank you! And I appreciate the interest you are taking in our project - I hope it'll be mutually beneficial in the end for bot you and us! I am traveling over the next couple days, and need to discuss some of this with Gregory. The strategy we took was deliberate - we want to communicate to potential participants that this is a real project, and discourage short-term speculators. But of course they are needed also, to stimulate interest to the project as a whole. So definitely need to strike some balance between these two competing directions.

As far as the logo - we'll probably stick to the existing one for now - it has been communicated to and disseminated among too many people already. Perhaps down the road we'll consider some more visual changes.



Don't forget. Speculators = consumers...

Meaning, the speculator within the greedy wall street scum also exists within the young African man who has the best internet it a village of harvesters.

Don't forget yin yang. Maintain homeostasis. Love all, and all will love you.

I'm inspired with a question:

The African male, how much ETH do you think he has? Equivalent?

.1 / .01 / .001 / .0001?

Your FoodCoin is too expensive for this part of the world. You can choose ANY SUPPLY AMOUNT YOU WANT. Why .01 / ETH? That's $3 for 1 FoodCoin? Yes I know you can break it down... Do the Africans?


Price FdC at something Africans can afford. I like 1/100th of your original offer :D

I think the Africans will to...


Make a smart contract that threatens speculators. Announce your sell walls. Check this out:

  • "Our intention is to maintain a LOW price on FoodCoin until we have the ability to build our infrastructure and obtain a MASSIVE ADOPTION OF POOR FARMERS WORLDWIDE.
  • Therefor, our smart contract will end, allowing us to dump the full supply into the market in order to drive the price down to maintain our target range of $0.xxxx - $0.xxxx, which is worth 1 [ COB or equivalent food staple ].
  • Our smart contract will trigger, based on the [ make deal with exchange here ] price.
  • If the bid price exceeds the value of [ 1 COB or equivalent food staple ], then our smart contract will end.
  • The smart contract's algorithmic equation pulls from:
    • Commodities price in USD (on top exchange)
    • Then USD into [ BTC or ETH ] (on top exchange)
    • Then [BTC or ETH ] into FdC
      • Pick a small exchange you like that:
        • You like
        • Will adopt your coin onto their exchange
        • Will offer a great deal for this opportunity
  • We have every intention of changing this world for the better. We respect the speculator's required role in the financial markets (as they are also our local farmers and producers), but we will not tolerate the selfish greed of destructive narcissists; neither on FoodCoin, or 1000ecofarms."

That's revolutionary information. You would pioneers of a fairly maintained market with a course of action like that! My gift to you :D


Pick smart and patient whales, ones with good hearts and honest intentions. Then, you won't have any issues :D

Let me know if you have any questions. That was a lot of information :D



Here's the affiliate link, as promised

Leave intelligent comments, and tag your friends! We curate our comments sections with compensation :D

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