Pull back STEEM and SBD from Poloniex | Menarik kembali STEEM dan SBD dari Poloniex (ENG-IND)

in #exchange7 years ago

Good evening steemians .. may we all always eager to contribute in this fun space steemit.

There is good news coming from Poloniex.
Yesterday at around 7:30 pm Poloniex has reactivated deposit and withdrawal services STEEM and SBD. This news has long been awaited many people to pull back STEEM and their SBD 'trapped' including one of them is me.

For more than 1 month, the amount of SBD I send to Poloniex becomes 'frozen' can not be exchanged, I try to ask for explanation from poloniex through Support Center by sending ticket and get explanation from [email protected] which send as follows;

"We’re very sorry to inform you that we are currently experiencing a momentary problem with the wallet and had to disable it for maintenance. As soon as the wallet is re enabled your deposit will credit."

Today I got proof of the message, via the post written @penguinpablo; Poloniex has re-enabled STEEM deposits and withdrawals I know that poloniex has re-enabled depostits service and withdrawals for STEEM and SBD, whereas I have forgotten it.

Without waiting for a long time, I went directly to the Poloniex depths and found that some of the SBDs I had previously transferred had been included in the deposit list, which would be good news for me, although the amount is not so great, but at least I can use to power up my steemit account.

However, there are odd stories during the process of withdrawals that I do and it shows how my knowledge is still very minimal in this steemit world. the story will I write in a separate post.

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Selamat malam steemians.. semoga kita semua selalu bersemangat dalam berkontribusi dalam ruang steemit yang menyenangkan ini.

Ada kabar gembira datang dari Poloniex.
Kemarin sekitar pukul 7.30 WIB Poloniex telah mengaktifkan kembali layanan deposit dan penarikan STEEM dan SBD. Kabar ini telah lama ditunggu banyak orang untuk menarik kembali STEEM dan SBD mereka yang 'terperangkap' termasuk salah satunya adalah saya.

Sejak 1 bulan lebih, sejumlah SBD yang saya kirim ke poloniex menjadi 'beku' tidak dapat ditukar, saya berupaya meminta penjelasan dari poloniex melalui Support Center dengan mengirim ticket dan mendapat penjelasan dari [email protected] yang mengirimkan sebagai berikut ;

"We’re very sorry to inform you that we are currently experiencing a momentary problem with the wallet and had to disable it for maintenance. As soon as the wallet is re enabled your deposit will credit."

Hari ini saya mendapat bukti atas pesan tersebut, melalui posting yang di tulis @penguinpablo ; Poloniex has re-enabled STEEM deposits and withdrawals saya mengetahui bahwa poloniex telah mengaktifkan kembali layanan depostits dan withdrawals untuk STEEM dan SBD, padahal saya telah melupakannya.

Tanpa menunggu lama, saya langsung pergi kehalaman Poloniex dan mendapati sejumlah SBD yang dahulu saya transfer telah masuk dalam daftar deposit, tentu kabar yang menyenangkan bagi saya, walau jumlahnya tidak begitu besar, tapi setidaknya dapat saya gunakan untuk melakukan power up terhadap akun steemit saya.

Namun, ada cerita ganjil pada saat proses withdrawals yang saya lakukan dan itu menunjukkan betapa pengetahuan saya masih sangat minim di dunia steemit ini. cerita tersebut akan saya tulis dalam post tersendiri.


very nice post .

This post recieved an upvote from minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond

Thank you for the upvote and the time you gave for this post @minnowpond

Helo @sofda! Posting bagus.. telah kami upvote yah.. ;-)

terima kasih teman @puncakbukit.. catatan sebuah pengalaman dalam bersteemit ria

sebuah pengalaman berharga dan nbisa jadi pelajaran penting. tetap semangat ..

modal dari hadiah challenge akhirnya kembali... :D

Okuuuh ka padim uroe hana meubuka....kiban ka...haaaaa

Thanks for letting us know
Keep it up

So the dictatorship communist China first banned ICO that were going out of control there and now is forcing all the Chinese Bitcoin exchanges to shut down their operations and return all funds back to people who put money into exchanges, which makes it harder for Chinese to cash out their Bitcoins, and that caused a big sell-off because of the greed and fear of the market, which in turned made the price of Bitcoin go down to $3200.

The mining operations of China remain unaffected, and people's money is going to other exchanges - Japan and South Korea. They just want to put their own cryptocurrency in place and stop the Chinese money going out of country, what a slave country to live in.

But it's temporary dip guys, cause there are 2 facts - Bitcoin technology remains the same and the network is just improving, and no government can ever stop Bitcoin. China may become a less dominant player that's all - but it will be picked up by other countries.

So nothing to worry about, if anything it makes it easier right now for people to acquire more Bitcoin which is a very good thing!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63740.26
ETH 2618.46
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.79