Steem Dollars are on the rise again.... but are we safe yet?

in #exchange8 years ago

Looks like Steem Dollars are coming out of their slump

Never before have I ever seen Steem Dollars plumet in value like they did over the past week, but it looks like we might be okay. It was insanity though... I just have never seen anything like it.

What were you guys thinking when it happened? Did you even notice?


@everittdmickey Agreed amigo... shame I don't do the things the boring way more often

I was a Trucker for 25 years...heavy haul for me. Boring is good.

Hahaha, I can believe it

First of all, I'd like to apologize if I offended anyone. That was certainly not my intention. But still, isn't "a safe gamble" an oxymoron ?

@orenshani7 HAHAHA!!
No offence taken buddy, you are dead right. As you know crypto currencies are volitile... they are probably impossible to predict.
And yeah, again, you are dead right...
... I play a lot of poker, so I am used to the term: safe bet

This is an example... there is always risk, but if you're willing to take it, it can pay off

@orenshani7 I took a gamble on the exchange and lost a sizable chunk dude... safe is boring, but it is also profitable.

what does that mean in regards to Steem?

@everittdmickey Steem, or Steem Dollars?
I rarely factor in Steem, but since you mention it, they both have a bit of a correlation... eg: they both rise and fall at more or less the same time. Her is the latest graph of Steem in relation to Bitcoin for you

As you can see, it is finally starting to rise after being in a nasty slump... which is at pretty much the same time Steem Dollars are

You're very welcome buddy... just try not to get them mixed up; trust me, it is easily done XD

Excuse my question, because I must confess i'm not totally familiar with all the concepts but... How do you gain Steem Dollars now? From what i gather, you can only get payouts in Steem and Steem Power, right?

You can sell your STEEM on the market.

@herverisson You gain Steem Dollars as a reward for the things you post, whether they are simply a comment or two, or a full article. It can be very hit and miss... as in you don't always get paid for what you write, it has to be liked (I mean upvoted) and generate some interest within the steem community (and hopefully beyond that).
Another way of earning Steem Dollars is by trading them... something which I have only started dabbling in recently. Buy em cheap, sell em high... sounds simple, but it is never that easy.

Now Steem Power is a different animal. Basically, when you upvote someone, your steem power will be the defining aspect which will decide how much more that person will gain from your upvote. It can also earn you curration rewards, but I am afraid I cannot be sure how they work just yet.

Steemit is a complicated machine. I still do not understand how it all works... but slowly and surely, I am learning from other users. My best advice to you is take your time, read bits and pieces about every aspect of how this system works over a period of a couple of months, and before you know it, it will just click,

This was a really good question amigo... and it is not one I think many steemit-users would be confident answering.

There are no SBD as posting rewards anymore.


@ocrdu Wait, so we only get steem power now?!?!?

50%/50% Steem/Steem Power or 100% Steem Power, if I'm not mistaken.

Yes! That's exactly my point. so the only way to get Steem Dollars is to buying it. However, I don't see the reason, you cannot do anything else than buying with it Steem afterwards.

@ocrdu Thats crazy! When did this happen?
So what is going on with Steem Dollars then?

@herverisson I really never knew this was the case now... This is a big shock to me... I am expecting some steem dollars from two weeks ago, so it will be interesting to see what happens

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