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RE: Debunking Shits About Evolution - Episode 13 [Rate of evolution; moving further from natural selection]

in #evolutionary-science6 years ago (edited)

Okay let me break this down.
At every stage of our evolution; the changes in our environment would always lead to a remarkable changes in our adaptation and also in our bodies. But much more than that, the introduction of new aids also made for better evolution.

Let's take the introduction of tools for example. The species recognized for the fashioning of the earliest tools is the Homo habilis (Man with ability). And this led to the hands of the hominins becoming freer for the manipulation of tools. No wonder; the subsequent species; the Homo erectus; consolidated on that to become erect. You see; the evolution of uprightness is traceable to the usage and fashioning of tools. Would you call that "natural selection" or "technological selection"?

Let's go way back. The ancient hominid species were quadpedal (they moved on all fours, and hopped from trees to trees), but when the historic great famine hit the part of Africa where they lived; and caused the dwindling of trees; they had to shift to bipedalism (walking on two) to cope with ground-walking. And that was why the Sahelanthropus was bipedal, but not upright though. Is that still natural selection or induced selection?

Coming to this present era, the advances in technology have led to various alterations in our body. Talk about the "Selective hearing ability"... the people in industrial and heavily noisy areas have evolved with the ability to filter off unwanted noise and consolidate on good sounds. Is that natural selection?

What more can I say? The list is almost endless; how do you think we lost the dense mass of hairs that were predominant in our ancestors? Of course; the earth is getting hotter, so we wouldn't need them much. And we've got protective covering, and heating devices, so why should we still consolidate on having massive hairs? These are not natural factors; but our bodies had to adapt anyway.

More so; evolution is nothing more than series of adaptive alterations in the body of a specie in response to changes within their environment - of course to ensure survival. But the bottom line here is, these changes are; more often than not; induced by non-natural factors.

You can breeze into the previous episodes to gain more knowledge. I treated Darwinism in about two previous episodes; it should provide with more answers.

Thanks for dropping by


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