History of life, the earth and the effects they have on global warming!

in #evolution7 years ago

It's a fascinating thought that if you traced your ancestry far back enough, you would find that the elements in your body were created in stars like the sun. In-fact all elements heavier than the lightest elements of hydrogen and helium are created in stars. And all elements heavier than iron are created at the end of stars life, when it explodes. Gold is the product of a stars demise and everything you and almost everything else in existence is made from a byproduct of a nuclear reaction inside these magnificent giant balls of plasma. Furthermore, is it a coincidence that once upon a time sun worship was the predominant religion on earth. How did the ancients know that stars are essentially the creators?

Take a quick walk back through time and you would see something along these lines. The earth formed around 4.5 billion years ago. It was formed out of gas, dust, meteors and comets all of which were remnants of a previous solar system. There is new evidence that shows that some bacteria can survive in space and there is evidence of the earliest forms of life on earth around 3.8 billion years ago. This primitive bacteria evolved to turn sunlight into energy (photosynthesis) and for which the byproduct just happens to be oxygen. So life actually created the oxygen that makes up the atmosphere. But plant life as we see it is only 500 million years old. So around 55 million years ago the build up of plant matter deposited on the bottom of the ocean caused a run away green house affect and as methane bubbled up it caused the temperature to increase to around ten degrees hotter than today. It's no coincidence that few million years later India crashed into Asia and caused the Himalayan mountain range which cooled the earth back down. I could go on and on but I'll wrap it up with an interesting fact about global warming. As the atmosphere gains more co2 it rises in temperature and this causes more algae blooms in the ocean which produce more than 60 percent of the oxygen. It's an automated atmospheric regulator. Then if you consider we have been in 1 of only 5 major ice age cycles in earths history for the last 3 million years with 80-90% cooling and 10-20% warming. Is global warming bad or good? !!!! I think we still have a lot to learn about the earth and the atmosphere, ocean and sun cycles before we can accurately answer this question.


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