RE: Human Sacrifice... Yep, I think I was wrong about that.
good for the system?
Such systems are purely artificial mental constructs. They only exist because human minds conceived of them and imposed them upon others.
Also systems once they are based upon imposition and force can be used to force ultimately negative activities, especially true if the people under it do not use logic.
My opinion is that I don’t care whether humanity died or strived after giving every single human an option to choose freely, for me it is morally the right way to do so - let the humanity handle its freedom, let the evolution work
I agree.
Evil (bad) is strictly subjective matter.
This is why I defined it. I also defined it in a way that transcended religion and does not rely on a religious perspective. Bad works as well, but then that would need to be defined as well.
I totally agree with your counterargument against the "forcing system". All I was trying to say was that MAYBE it’s better. I was trying to act as a devil advocate. We do think alike - it is not my opinion. I just like to discuss stuff with people:)
Yeah, that is fine I appreciate that. Differing views are where I learn the most, and they also are what help me strengthen my own ideas, or destroy them if the ideas fall apart.