Adults Learned to be Better Liars

in #evil3 years ago

I wrote a long reply to establish truth with a new facebook friend. He implies "adults are smart and wiser." That's myth. Many adults I know in my life only learned to lie, hide (avoid), slack, and lead into evil. I find little babies so honest and very compliant with God's ways and signature in them. The older they become the more lies they learned from those closest to them and life force (God Force) in them gets destroyed...
Here it is for everyone.

The practice about seeking experience through those who've been through is right and good. However, nowadays, many losers survived through their lives barely via some not respectable mean. Many of the older people I knew in my life have so much to hide, weak, and dishonest. At the end of the foundation, the essence comes down to religion and work ethics of the individuals.

Most people in the world took most anything for granted and they don't know anything much in details. They live in ambiguity. No one talks about God, truths, right-wrong, religion, moral codes, and etc. All we will find are idiots with fake academic degrees, lazy ignoramuses, paranoid sneaks who have so much to hide, hypocrites who can't live by their own standards, and etc. Most older people I met in my life are college flunk-out lowlifes, druggies hooked on pot, crack, or alcohol, unhealthy pathetic weakling living in fear from ignorance about health, lost-soul evil lowlife who didn't read bible, study religions, or talked about with friends. Most idiots in the world called others friends who they can go to bars, smoke pots, talk shit, waste time and money. Most idiots live on welfare and accomplished nothing much in their lives. Women with children from different men but no husband.

I will quote back what I wrote on my timeline: "I will grow friends using the principle of Matthew 13:30. . If your idea of friendship is to waste time/money but won't do anything useful and constructive together with people you call friends, you are a lowlife idiot bound to be a waste. Most idiots call others friends whom they can talk shit, do vices with, such as smoking, drinking, drugging, wasting time and money.
I always push my friends to do business, intellectual growth (math, science and engineering), athletic growth, do martial arts, and talk about God (truths)."

A lot of idiot losers act like wise giving shallow advice making ambiguous statements all over facebook. Many gullible ones fell for those lies. There are concise standards/rules in communications to find truths. I can't write them all here, but I can always point out the severe violations (lies, deceptions, and devil's ways) when I see them.

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