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RE: No Such Thing As A Victimless Crime?

I realize it’s not what the policy director meant when saying “there are no victimless crimes”, but I would have to say the statement is actually true in the sense that if there is no victim, then there cannot be a crime, thus no victimless crimes. If only the “authorities” would abide by this clear definition of what does and does not constitute a crime.


it isn't clear if he meant in general or pertaining specifically to the retail crimes, I took it to mean in general and aside from him there are others who have suggested the same, still those retail crimes do have victims and who would say otherwise? 🙈if violating a law on the books, even without an obv victim, i doubt they'd agree that it doesn't constitute a 'victimless crime', I think they mean they see every 'crime' as having a victim✌️

How does that old saying go? When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. They have the hammer and they are looking to nail everyone they can.

But of course theft, of any kind, has a victim and is a crime. ✌️

one of my fave sayings lol forget where i first heard it but it's a perfect description ✌️ trying to solve a problem with a problem

Came here to point this out. You beat me to it.

You are an amazingly smart and well spoken person. I value your opinion very much. I’m honored and humbled that I might express an opinion that you share. ✌️💚😎

Aw, shucks! You flatter me. It is I that am fortunate to benefit from your voice, honestly.

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