Why is always said “Everything happens for a GOOD reason”. A short interesting story.

Once upon a time, there was a king. He has one clever and intelligent minister in his palace. But the king was irritated with his minister who always used to say “everything happens for a good reason”. One day the king went for a battle but got back failed. Minister repeated the same sentence to the king that “everything happens for a good reason”. The king got hurt by the words of his minister. The next day, when the king was returning from somewhere, he got injured by a heavy thing by which he lost his left thumb. When the minister heard this news, he again repeated the same sentence, “everything happens for a good reason”. This time king got angry and asked I have lost my thumb, what is good in it. He ordered to take the minister to jail.

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After two days, the king went alone for hunting in the jungle. Unfortunately, he was caught by the jungle people who were looking for a person to offer to his deity. The king was about to be slaughtered and suddenly the master of the jungle seen his missing thumb of the hand. And freed the king because in their culture, the offer to deity should be of a complete person and the king’s thumb was missing. Then king understood why his minister used to say that “everything happens for a good reason”.

He cancelled the punishment of the minister, said sorry and thanked him for his intelligence. But asked the minister, what good happened to you, that you went to jail? The minister said “if I was not in jail, I have to go with you for hunting in the jungle. They freed you because your thumb was missing but they would have definitely given my offer to their deity. And I would have died that day”.

This story had made it clear that even when sometimes you do not understand what is good in the things that happened to you, still “everything happens for a good reason”. Problems today in your life might be saving you from a big problem in the future. Sometimes reasons behind something that happened in your life will be beyond your imagination and thinking but keep faith that “everything is happening for a greater good at the end”. Everything will make sense when the time will come. Till then keep believing…Bless yourself.

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