Everything you need to know Everipedia

in #everipedia7 years ago

Pls find complete details about everipedia, it is in all launguages.

Larry Sanger:
Welcome and guidelines for the Everipedia Telegram group @everipedia
✈️✈️✈️ AIRDROP: Welcome EOS holders. We will be announcing more details about the airdrop in the next few weeks. It will be ERC20 so make sure you hold your EOS off exchange when the snapshot date (to be announced) occurs. If you participated in the crowdsale, be sure to claim your tokens beforehand. We will give at least a week's notice ahead of time so you have time to prepare.

We will be releasing the tokens before the June 1 2018 EOS mainnet release. This should help stimulate community growth and engagement, especially because we want token holders to vote for some ground rules of the Everipedia Network.

See FAQ here for more Everipedia and airdrop questions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wYc3MAJV1YY6zspfTriLs-PyE-IbMK_Qm0astviiswE/

UPDATE (1/24/2018): Right now we are working on various coding challenges:

  1. How to make sure EOS holders are accounted for between now and also after the mainnet launch
  2. The airdrop script itself
  3. Tracking down the current balances of EOS holders

🇪🇸 Bienvenidos poseedores de EOS! Anunciaremos más detalles sobre la distribucion de IQ tokens en las próximas semanas. Seran ERC20, asegúrense de mantener sus EOS en wallets compatibles (no en exchanges) cuando llegue la fecha de la instantánea (por anunciarse). Si participó de en la oferta inicial, asegúrese de reclamar sus tokens previamente. Avisaremos al menos con una semana de anticipación, para que puedan estar listos!.

Distribuiremos los tokens antes del lanzamiento de la red principal (mainnet) de EOS el 1 de junio de 2018. Esperamos que esto ayude a estimular el crecimiento y el compromiso de la comunidad, pues deseamos que los poseedores de los tokens voten por algunas reglas básicas de la Red Everipedia (translation by @Abedybx)

🇫🇷 Bienvenue à tous les détenteurs de tokens EOS. Dans les prochaines semaines, nous annoncerons de plus amples détails concernant le airdrop (distribution des tokens « IQ »). Ce sera un ERC20, donc assurez-vous de conserver vos EOS en dehors des exchanges (plateformes d’échange) lorsque la date du snapshot aura lieu (annonce à venir). Si vous avez participé au financement participatif (crowsdale), assurez-vous de réclamer (claim) vos tokens avant toute chose. Nous vous donnerons la date précise au moins une semaine à l’avance pour que vous ayez le temps d’anticiper.

Les tokens seront distribués avant la sortie du mainnet (réseau principal) d’EOS, prévue le 1er juin 2018. Cela devrait aider à stimuler l’accroissement et l’engagement de la communauté Everipedia, en particulier parce que nous souhaitons donner aux détenteurs de tokens EOS la possibilité de voter pour certaines règles de base du réseau Everipedia. (translation

Pour de plus amples renseignements sur Everipedia et son airdrop, voir la FAQ : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wYc3MAJV1YY6zspfTriLs-PyE-IbMK_Qm0astviiswE/

MISE À JOUR (24/01/2018) : Pour le moment, nos travaillons à différents défis en matière de coding :
Comment s’assurer que les détenteurs de tokens EOS soient représentés aujourd’hui et également après le lancement du mainnet
Le script du airdrop en lui-même
Déterminer les soldes actuels des détenteurs de tokens EOS. (translation @DamienClavier)


我们会在6月1日EOS主网上线之前空投代币,这样做可以更早的促进社区发展和用户参与,尤其是我们想要让Everipedia的持币人通过投票表决的方式参与到Everipedia网络基础规则的建设和确立当中来。 (translated by @ymoctavia)

🇰🇷안녕하세요 이오스를 보유해주시고계신 여러분들께 에어드랍에 관한 알림사항을 전달합니다. 저희 에브리피디아 팀은 에어드랍에 관련한 상세 사항을 몇주안에 공표할 예정에 있습니다. 에어드랍은 ERC20 토큰으로 진행될 예정입니다. 이오스를 가지고 계신분들께서는 후에 공표될 스냅샷 일정에따라 부디 거래소 밖의 개인지갑에 보관해주시길바랍니다. 만약 크라우드 세일에 참여하고 계신 분들께서는 사전에 늦지않도록 토큰 등록을 요청드립니다. 에브리피디아 팀은 적어도 한 주 전에 원활한 스냅샷을 위하여 일정을 공지할 예정입니다. 토큰은 이오스 메인넷이 런칭되는 2018년 6월 1일 이전에 부여될 예정에 있습니다. 이번 에어드랍을 통해서 커뮤니티의 발전과 협력을 모색하며 특히 에브리피디아를 구성하는 기본 규정들에 관하여 토큰 보유자 여러분들의 투표가 있을 예정입니다. (translated by @Gobau)

🇷🇺 Приветствуем российских держателей EOS. В ближайши

е несколько недель мы объявим более подробные сведения об эйрдропе. Это будет ERC20, поэтому убедитесь, что вывели EOS с бирж на свой личный ethereum-адрес до даты снепшота (будет объявлена). Если вы участвовали в краудсейле, не забудьте сделать claim своих токенов. Мы дадим объявление по крайней мере за неделю, чтобы у вас было время подготовиться. (translated by @babin)
This is a chat group, so chat is welcome (of course). But please keep the discussion focused on Everipedia, and to a lesser extent things of interest to Everipedians. Our special focus in this group is technical blockchain issues.

For more general chat among Everipedia editors, check out our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/everipedia.editors For slightly more long-form discussion about both Everipedia.org and the blockchain network we're building, try our subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Everipedia/

This group is for Everipedia participants and fans only!

You don't actually have to have an Everipedia account to be here, but if you participate much, you might be asked what it is...and if you don't have one, well, you might be kicked out.

Please do not try to dominate the discussion over the period of days (or longer), especially if you aren't known to be a regular contributor to the wiki or employee of the company.

More generally, you don't need to comment on everything. Respect the give-and-take.

As said many times in telegram, please keep your eos tokens on wallets (example: metamask)not in exchanges(bitshares, coinbase ... Whatever).

Airdrop date not annouced yet. So please follow me or telegram group as mentioned.

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