The truth about the Ever Given and Evergreen on Turkish TV . How the C_v was a Techno Weapon by the globalists.

Video taken from Die Welt der betrogenen Menschenkinder. - The truth about the "Secret Operation" Evergreen is reported on Turkish Television! He says that was the biggest blow the Deep State ever suffered!

On Beyaz TV

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Hear him state,

You Can't See these events in the Main Media"
All these events are Real, True
Nationalist Powers Secret Services worked on this together and unravelled what was set up.

  • Why do you think that ship was parked there for so long?
  • What happened in China and the Suez Canal?

Immediately following these events,

  • Chinese Foreign Minister turned up in Turkey.
  • Dollar and Fiat currencies were on the rise
  • Some of our governments' decisions had a reflection on this, but the main drivers were them. . .globalists from all over the place.

China visited us between March 24-26
The Chinese Foreign Minister was in Turkey and on the 27th of March the Evergreen container (Ever Given) blocks the road in China simultaneously (How Bizarre).

Those are Messages. ..Strong Messages to Global Capital.

Meetings in Turkey finalize and Next Day This happens. ..

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These are messages communicated in Inter Nations Language.

Should people regularly try to avoid Conspiracy Theories and focus on figuring out the Real Events Happening?

What we saw was how the Global Capitals 2nd Card Project. . .the Climate Change project that has been propagated for years. . .was Badly Upset.

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This has been in the wings and planning stage for years. At least 3 decades.

Accompanied by the Vegan Meat Project. faux meat (think, who was part of genetically modified foods along with vaccines?) this is a very dangerous thing because if you know a little bit about this Fake Meat. ..

  • it is biochemical content

10 FAKE Foods YOU Eat!
Think toxic plastic to make regular rice.
Still thinking people wouldn't do this?
You live in a world where Epstein was allowed to get by with his pedophile crimes and had people all over in high places networking with him.
Still think the nefarious wouldn't do this?

Plastic rice found to be sold in China, Nigeria, Mexico, the United Kingdom and the United States.
But muh country and government will protect me!
Wake the Blank Up! GROW UP! These nefarious don't protect, they wish to reduce the population and in the process make a bundle of profits on your diseases, cancer, VIRUSES they perpetuate. What was Fort Detrick after all? See sources!

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What he is saying is True as we have been tracking this for a long time now.

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Find more info on Kissinger here in a deep dive filled with connections and fully sourced.

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What has been going on behind the scenes? Trump control of Fed? How and the evidence! How the Horseman Global Fund was down to just $150 million. Goodbye regulation of Banks? Who did that and who put an end to it!

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Does this sound like what was being protested at

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Then what were we seeing in the summer of 2019 just before the Military Drills in Wuhan, China on Sept. 18, 2019 Exactly one monty prior to the 7th World Military Games also held in Wuhan, China on the exact same day as Event 201 took place under the leadership of Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum and funded by Open Philanthropy group. . .a "charity group" that funnels money to dem causes including the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation that was founded and ran by a former Facebook founder, Dustin Moskovitz and his wife, Cari Tuna, who worked for the Wall Street Journal. Interesting?

To see more on how all of this was signaled and predicted in the song It's the End of the World as we know it in a video report here,


And here,

If no time to listen to a report while doing chores all of my notes are in here and Full Sources so you can get your eyes on them and the footage of those games along with the Event 201 documentation.

From South China Post that coincides with what is being reported on Turkish TV

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If it was confiscated and destroyed. .. how and was there a reason for the United States Space Force in preparation of a time such as this?

Since the captain of the ship refuses to give over any information and no one claims culpability. . .was it done through a loophole in the microsoft software as these cargo ships have been navigated by satellites for some time now?

This ship was called the Ever Given,

It was rumored that holes in Microsoft software allowed someone, or ones, to hack into the Evergreen ship software, take over the steering and run it into the bank. "We may never be given the whole story. So far the Evergreen ship's Capitan in the Suez Canal has refused to cooperate.

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Convey all pieces of essential information
1-2 sentence summary of situation
List what is needed

In the army one of the formats for the SITREP is
Size. . .how many enemy combatants
Equipment. ..weaponry

The main focus is Where the enemy is.

The SITREP enables HQ to better understand, monitor the situation and make more informed decisions.

Adhering to the Facts helps to use valuable time efficiently and in a productive manner.

It is a way to fetter out all irrelevant information.

Sources/Connecting articles, reports

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